share the stoke

  1. Jesse and gatordave double sponging it on an overcast newport day. Im no camera man and this is no camera (kodak disposable)

  2. david going by me, the wave is a bit bigger than it looks b/c i had to cut the pic down

Sweet! Adds new meaning to the notion of “doubles.” I guess that would be more like “tandom!” Thanks!

luckily , Swaylocks seems a fairly safe place to post a photo like this : - [or, my gouge , or ‘short shorts’, but just be careful…elsewhere may be more …er …‘reactive / reactionary !’]

That said, sorry guys, I CAN’T help commenting…

surfing with a ‘mate’, or mating with a surf er ? …

      share the ...SOMETHING !  ... "chip" 

[p.s…good job with the camera , team ! now some shots of you standup surfing, on your various funky homeshapes, please !!]