is it ok to plane the stringer with the power planer when skinning the blank? what’s the best type of hand planer to use for the stringer when shaping?
Whichever one you have that is sharpest.
Smaller ones tend to work best in curved areas (e.g. deck area near nose of shortboard)
Those little curved SureForms work well in the nose curve, channels, etc… I like to put tape on the edges so as not to gouge the foam. Even better, I like my carbon fiber stinger… Ha! Good luck, take your time, and as I’ve read, “Don’t over shape it.” Taylor
Be careful w/ the power planer in the nose area of the deck. You have to turn it sideways to get a bite and the blades can rip the stringer. I like a block plane w/ some heft for flat areas and use a spoke shave for curve in the nose area of the deck. Keep the blades sharp w/ a whetstone and don’t set the cut too deep. Better to make multiple passes w/ shallow cut. Check out the Jim Phillips Master Shaper video.