Sherman's Tool Repair

Searched through the archives for contact info for Sherman’s but came up empty. I know they are out west but would they work on stuff if I sent it to them? If so, does anyone have a phone number and/or address I could contact them through? Tried doing a search in Anywho, but sherman’s turns up a good number of results.

had a look through the archives here - try SHERMAN CQ Tool Repair 949-646-7664 Given that, led me to Gene Sherman Cq Tool Repair 1733 Monrovia Avenue Suite B, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 646-7664 that help any?

Probably help that I use the correct name, heh, I was doing Sherman Tool Repair CO, not CQ… Um… as long as it’s the right one, yeah it definitely helps out. Thanks for proving my absentmindedness today.

not to worry, man. I’m the prince of typos myself. For what it’s worth, you may want to call around to the local tool repair places too. You never know what you might turn up, I get some very good deals on power tools that never got picked up. hope that’s of use doc…