Shipman Sighting

I talked to Ben Shipman’s roommate last week. He’s slowly going through all Shipman’s stuff. Selling some things and giving stuff away. The VW THING got sold at a fair price. Some guitars have ben sold. Jim called me first when it was time to go through the garage and shaping room. Lots of great memories in that shaping room. Hank the dog has a tumor that needs to be removed. Jim needs some cash to take care Ben’s dog , we made a deal…

From left to right

6’5" Walker machine reject

Two 6’ Clark machine rejects

7’3" Clark , the bottom is shaped with an outline drawn

7’11" H superblue

7’3" superblue

6’2" C superblue

5’6" blue fish (Ben found it in the trash outside of a thrift store)

The Walker is junk…I will use it for repairs.

The two shortboard blanks have a 2" x 6" cut in the center that I can fix. The outline and shape are good. If you are in the local area and want a shortboard blank for cheap contact me via PM. Looking for some old FCS fins to trade.

The 7’3" is close to something I want to make but I really have my hands full with future projects…trade or $$$

I traded the 7’11" H to MarkSSD for some plumbing work…

I am willing to let go of the 7’3" and 6’2" if the right deal comes along…

I just saw a Clark blank for sale on Swaylocks for $250…Yeah…Right…lot’s of foam out there…

Send me a PM , I’m not looking to retire off of Shipman’s old Surfboards

Have a great day

Share the stoke…


…I got some fins too…!!!

thanks ray

i still miss ben’s creativity and humour here

cheers mate !


Sorry ment to send you a PM. I Miss Ben alot, I keep expecting to see one of his post pop up.

If Ben’s dog needs a home, I’m on Ocean Street, Carlsbad, and My dog, Nick would love a surf buddy.



Some interesting PM’s…Thanks everyone. Right now anything I want to part with has a deal in the works…

I’ll get back with all the PM’s soon. The dog has a great home ,thanks for the offer
