the hobie 16
taken from the cold dead hands
of Vance the
beach litter patrol guard
after the massacre at the board
walk was still warm
the main sheet had a distinct wear spot
at the broad reach spot.
although the screaming anguish echoed to the top of the peir
the smile on the face of the dead man lingered in post mortem.
these are the times that try mens souls
ad hoc minister to the faithful
suceedent to gene the yodeler
spoke his peace at the imprompteau ceremony at the rivermouth
weeks after the ''accident"
‘‘this was no accident’’’
miles tangle shroud said in private interview
''as premeditated as the san Jose saftey club’s
distruction of the pinacle rock at he lane"
"“they always had it in for the old stone”
they called him the outside angler
bummed out at the crowdts at third reef
he vanguarded the ouside kelp channel pass
dredging to allow the 16 a wider birth.
"Vance Cupertino Smyth will be
remembered by the legions
that follow his phospher trails"
gene the yodeler was
sitting up in his grave
to hear what might
a poinient insight
" to go where no man had gone before"
"but he shoulda just measured the space under the peir
just once. before trying to shoot the length.
sure the wind was right,but there was simply no room
for the mast and beam"
the sobbing of young women
in the crowd was audible
as the sun slowly set in that
june latitude casting that special angle shadow
from every remnant Iceplant branch on the cliff side.
the signs along the cat way channel approaching the peir
now clearly say,“no shooting the peir wit Hobie 16”
and in small print’by order of the greater santa cruz
hystical society of retired postal employees’
would there be a moral to this story it might read somthing like
'Tread not that yonder high line outside,lest you find out
the measurement you lack could be your undoing"
as far as the greedy punk ass bigger than yours
so’s I can burn you attitude,
rest assured the leg sockett
they sacrifice to the leash god
will not readily repairable be
and the convalescence
they spend will be out of the water.
and at the lane…no leash ?
long swim with a paddle
look dad no body out
lets stand up paddle from mitchels
to nat bridges and back
the wind should be ripping on the way back
there is an empty line outside
and you dont need a sheet
or need to burn the gremmies in the sandbox