Should know better by now...

After riding my own shapes for the past 10 or so years I broke down and bought a mid sized shape that I had seen advertised on a website. Although its a beautiful board, shape and glassing top notch, it just didnt feel right when I took it out. Actually I felt like a kook out there with it. I just recently took out a longboard that I shaped for my daughter, and from like the second wave felt very comfortable on it. This brought me to the conclusion that even though my boards dont come out perfect looking, there is some kind of cosmic connection between you and the board youved shaped for yourself…

After riding my own shapes for the past 10 or so years I broke down and > bought a mid sized shape that I had seen advertised on a website. Although > its a beautiful board, shape and glassing top notch, it just didnt feel > right when I took it out. Actually I felt like a kook out there with it.>>> I just recently took out a longboard that I shaped for my daughter, and > from like the second wave felt very comfortable on it.>>> This brought me to the conclusion that even though my boards dont come out > perfect looking, there is some kind of cosmic connection between you and > the board youved shaped for yourself… So true… if you create surfboards long enough, trying different things now and then, feeling the need and desire in your heart to persevere and learn through all the questions and headaches, you will eventually journey from being your own surfings frequently laughable, worst enemy to its trusted, best friend... the resultant synergy can definitely feel like the pull of something that is strangely spiritual. Its not surprising the ancients were deeply moved by that same primal connection.

So true… if you create surfboards long enough, trying different things > now and then, feeling the need and desire in your heart to persevere and > learn through all the questions and headaches, you will eventually journey > from being your own surfings frequently laughable, worst enemy to its > trusted, best friend... the resultant synergy can definitely feel like the > pull of something that is strangely spiritual. Its not surprising the > ancients were deeply moved by that same primal connection. Maybe thats why my rule of thumb seems true…Never ride a board that doesn’t have at least two dog hairs in the glass job!

Everyone says I’m a total wack-o when I tell them surfboards have a soul. “TW you’ve gone bloody troppo!!” I’ll do 100 production boards that are “perfect”. They go GOOD. I do a board for a special friend and it’s MAGIC. aloha nui to all board builders!! A special gift!!