showing a photo with your post.. *PIC*

People seem to be having problems posting photos with their messages. Here’s some tips. 1. The photo has to be some where on the internet – not your hard drive. 2. Put in the FULL URL to the photo (i.e 3. You can get this URL many ways. On a pc right click (or on a Mac click and HOLD) on the photo of interest. You’ll have a bunch of options. The best one is “open image” or “open image in new window.” This will open the image alone in it’s own browser and the url will be in the address/location bar. Copy this location and paste it below into "Optional Image URL. Make sure you paste over the http:// that’s already in there. 4. PREVIEW YOUR POST. If the image isn’t there you’ve done something wrong. Hope that helps. Mike

testing to see if instructions are indeed foolprof. yes! foolproof.