Sidecut to the extreme, really keen to know your thoughts about the concept..

johnmellor wrote:

the forward and aft sections experience increased drag, thus negating the effect of the narrow waist? 

Two leading edges rather than one.

Only when they’re both in the water at the same time. 

Standard shape has one leading edge that tapers from widepoint to tail.

I think the hardest part of  riding or oening  this kind of boars is probably telking  your mom your gay.

I own a Firewire Cornice and hands down the design works exactly how they say.



Man I gotta find time to sand my version…


looking forward to hearing how it goes for you.



Water skis have the same side cut as a surfboard, they don’t have an hourglass side cut like a snowboard. 

Skis and snowboards started emulating water skis and surfboards about a decade ago for strict powder use, as it’s the most like surfing as you can get in a sense. The hourglass side cut is used to maintain tip, middle and tail contact points on the snow.  Since having multiple points to grip the water in the same way is kind of pointless, 



Well what can I say, I started this thread a while back. Now I have finished my board and been surfing it on and off for a few months. Based on the firewire cornice with some tweaks of the tail shape and a generous amount of volume and the thing cuts sick.
I surfed it this arvo in 2-3 foot slowish point break and the thing was off its chops.
Especially with it set up as the thruster.
I have some fairly upright foiled fins. On my back hand it just had so much drive. Top turn and straight into another bottom turns and straight into another one. One turn I got about 6-8 turns in in a 200 m ride. Paddled back out just popping with stoke. Said to one guy that wave was sick, felt like I got 100 turns in. His reply was “I know I saw it you’re an animal” I was like did I hear that right.
I had at least three other people comment that the board looked like it was working great for me.
I also got these few pics the other morning but they were with the quad set up.
The last shot is after surf froth this arvo.

hmmm so the board really works? Well thats just gonna complicate things!!

Haters always gunna hate…
i was listening to Dan Mann on “thewire” podcast, he was talking about side cuts “we dont really know why it works but they go insane”
He was also talking about letting go of “shaper insecurities”, maybe many people cant get past these.
Me i know i know nothing so i try anything, and i don’t care.

i loved the comment i got the other day, 'What’s that thing? it look retarded" but it was funny it was followed by “I saw you on that wave and it looked like it was working for you” then “how big is it,” “what do you weigh” and “I’d love to have a go of a few of your boards one day”…

there are a lot of taboos, prejudices and insecurities in the surfing world. lots of judgmentalism and dismissiveness. I am always skeptical of heated attacks on a board shape the poster has never ridden.


Like I said earlier I have a 6’1" Cornice and it is hands down the best performance surfboard I have ridden in 32 years. I came off owning 3 different Dan Thompson designs - Nano, V4 Rocket and Vader and they blew my mind but had one thing missing - volume. I’m 48 yrs. old and 90kg and as much as they are a revelation, for me it was still hard work paddling around the line-up. If you are lighter and even better fitter, you will find the Tomo’s simply mind blowing and you’ll never go back!
Having said that they opened my mind to riding anything different than standard to the point of standard shapes now boring the hell out of me. I agree with Huck about how closed minded many surfers are and so be it - they are totally missing out. I also have a chuckle at the punters telling me how they would work without ever having ridden one. Each to their own I suppose.
The Cornice is by leaps and bounds the most efficient, fast and manoeuvrable craft I’ve ever ridden and not a surf goes by where someone doesn’t tell me how fast it looks.
When I swap with a mate it feels like I’m dragging an anchor behind their PU.
Glad you are enjoying yours!

I’m naked right now. Over 50 too…and fat.
Your surfboard looks like a Dick.
Rocker and volume matter. Rider matters… Fin placement matters.
Dick outline is dumb.

How water “buffets” against a conventional surfboard design? In a conventional surfboard the water hits the central edges because is the wider area. This generates a lot of tensions over the rails. The water hitting the edges generates a force. As Pressure is equal to Force/area (rail), the water generates much more pressure in a conventional board than in a side-cut surfboard.
This graphic explains what I’m talking about. This graphic shows a conventional board VS sidecut board starting from plain movement to turn. Only the first steps (3 and 4 degrees).

Welcome to the R-Evolution!

I’ll take that as a complement. I got the rocker, volume and fin placement right. And you suggest that the rider makes the board go well.
My other boards go well too.
Stay stoked.

Thanks for posting this useful pic.

I’d just like to point out that the scale on the left is different for each picture.

Actually, it would be nice to compare the same rail lines inverted. The top traditional board has a lot of rail curve - I wonder what a straight rail board looks like

Yes, the scale is different but nearly similar because these studies have been done separadtely. I’ve joined them in the same picture to show clearly the difference…

dan mann hour-long interview that mentioned