Any body tried Silmar 1421 UV resin? I just brought in 10 gals and this stuff is really hard when it cures. It's an ortho/iso blend. Aloha, Kokua
this is the part where you tell us more, color viscosity price where ya got it, working time etc…
Howzit F!surf, Fiberglass Hi. sells it for $126.40 for 5 gals.with UV additive. It has a greenish color (UV additive)to it and for about a week after layup the board has a grey hue to it but that disappears, but I didn't see much color difference. I talked to FH before I bought and they said it was a little thicker viscosity but it actually seemed a little thinner than the resin I've been getting for the last few years from them. Easy to work with and I didn't notice any difference as far as setting off time wise. It has a different smell and so I called FH and they said it was less toxic and if you use JPS ultra glass with it the board will be even stronger. I've seen boards that were glassed with it and they are hard which means less deck dimples. What I am waiting to see is how hard will it be when it comes to sanding, stay tuned for that answer. Aloha, Kokua
Hahha I just realized i said working time in relation to UV resin,
Idont have 1421 listed in any of my catalouges, I wonder if its available here in CA and in quantities of 55 gallons, 126.00…damn resin is expensive there…
Howzit F1surf, Price wise it’s only about $9.00 more than regular UV lam resin from Fiberglass Hi… Some body told me that F.Hi. charges the same prices here as they do in Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara, but don’t quote me on that. Check with them on prices over there. Aloha, Kokua
Yeah here I pay, not from fiberglass hawaii, but from another supplier 70.00 for 5 gallons uv catalyst is 10.00 for 5 gallons so essentially if we did 5 gallon units it would be 80.00 . We use drums though and those are running me low 500’s
Kokua-------------Yeah I’ve used it. On Maui they always convincved me with the strength factor. So with a minimal dollar differance on a fiver I got into buying it. I just figured for a few dollars more I could have a better resin. It goes off hard and hotcoats and sands well. I also tried some of that resin that Moonshine was selling up at the cannery. I don’t remember the price , but it was cheap. But a gallon of the UV addittive was over $100. I priced drums through FH and Moonshine and decided I could get a better resin , already UVed in the drum for about the same money from FH. The resin and cloth Moonshine sells are from Korea I believe. I used them both. They have “stiffer” characteristics. But are totally workable and resulted in a board as strong and clear as any. I’m sure Mark A could fill you in on what those guy are sellin’ up at the Cannery. McDing
what is the shelf life of the resin that already has the UV additive?
we recycle the UV that doesnt hit the board, it lasts for months I would say as long as its in a sealed ,metal or dark plastic container. add a bit of styrene and juice it up and your good to go.
It can last pretty long. The only problem we’ve had with 55 drums is that after a few months the Uv additive will settle. Not seriously enough to affect anything you’re working with, but the last couple of gallons out of the bottom of the barrel. It’s still useable resin just darker in color. We used it for fin boxes and ding repair. The way I like to do it is to pour off a fiver at a time and add UV one five at a time. The excess resin that drains off the lam rack can be strained and used for anything. McDing