Silver Strand Localism.... what a joke. (im talkin about YOU)

keep your mind on your money and your money in your shoe.

that is all.

no its far better to turn up in five seperate cars

preferably v8 suvs

even better if your riding surfteck longboards

I never take twenty dollar bills to Baja. Ones and fives. Separate your money. Have a little in your pocket and the rest somewhere else. Not where it will be found when you are searched. Assume you will be searched. Have Mex. car insurance and tourist card/passport or whatever is required nowdays. Don't take any dope or weapons etc. Mike

second that.

Howzit E-pacman, Back in the mid 60’s we used to surf Radar Towers all the time with either a small crowd or no body else out along the whole strand. It was like a secret spot that we knew would be good even if the rest of the coast was blown out. I can see how the locals would want to protect it but things seem to get out of hand alot. Is the desert pier still there? Aloha,Kokua

Dunno if going alone is more seamless. Easier to integrate into lineup if you make it that far. I tried at PV cove one day by myself thinking the same thing. Was a crappy little day and thought no one would care. I was wrong and almost had to crack some heads. Here’s to the two dunk idiots that patrol the cliff- I’m still lurking… and next time you see me, I won’t be in such a forgiving mood.

Probably not the Cove. PV Cove is low key, and has a generally good vibe (until it gets crowded but the tension in a crowd happens anywhere). You’re thinking Lunada Bay. During the last swell (the first of the season) I read on a website people were complaining because at the Cove there were 50-60 people out and at Lunada there were 10 and two guys were blocking the trail to outsiders.

There’s been police action there, lawsuits and whatever, but the bottom line is its a close knit group and if they don’t know you they’ll stink eye you, cut you off, steal your stuff, vandalize your car, whatever. If you’re not one of the “Bay Boys” it’s an unpleasant experience to surf there and thus most people, including myself, avoid the place, thus validating their actions.

That’s one of the problems. Most people avoid the place and they get away with this stuff- as you said validating their actions. From what I’ve heard the police let is happen which is frustrating. Anyone want to fill a bus with people and run the place down? Haahahh

P.S. I did mean Lunada. sorry for the bump

I don’t agree with what they did to your car but paddling out with 5 guys when there was only one guy out there surfing is bad etiquette and not a good thing to do.

It’s like when you get one snake you don’t know that won’t surf 12’ away or so when there’s plenty of good waves and you were out first. I hate it when you then move away from them to surf on your own and they keep following.

regardless… one guy out. two of our five made it outside (i keep telling them to quit smoking). never surfed within 100 yds of the guy. definatley not “bad ettiquette.” whoever tagged our trailer was definately not able to get out… otherwise they would be out, cause it was firing. comin from a florida guy, it was going off. check your bouys on 12/11/06 it was on. the wind was right, the tide was right, and all the SSL (SilverStrandLocals) homos were at home looking for sharpies.

im not the guy to paddle out in a packed lineup, where i dont belong. but this was not the case.

SSL localism is a joke. you cant have localism in a spot where florida boys are outpaddling you. learn to swim… and then you can sharpie when you get in from session. and next time, watch your back… cause your gonna get a beating

  • and to all non “SSL” , much karma, and sorry for the hate speech

Ability and Humility, the latter being the more important.

When you are a guest somewhere, act like it. If you don’t think of yourself as a guest when surfing a new spot, you’ve really got problems, and are going to make it very hard on yourself. Don’t go with a bunch of guys. Alone is best. Play it mellow. Figure out who the “Boys” are and stay out of their way. Don’t be friendly or chatty unless the locals initiate. Nothing is worse that some dork trying to chat you up beacause he read in some surf guide that he should be friendly to the locals when surfing a new spot. Every local crew is a boys’ club and these guys are already surfing with all of their friends every day, so they really don’t need you to come out and start humping thier legs. Ass kissers will get the contempt they so richly deserve. Don’t expect to be put into the pecking order in one day, month or even year just because you decided to show up uninvited. Remember, some of these lineups have been sorting themselves out for DECADES prior to your arrival. Show good wave judgment and senstivity to the fact that you are in someone else’s home. If you are too much of a donkey to have any wave judgement or sensitivity, go surf some crowded free-for-all spot where there is no pecking order and all is chaotic, along with all the other donkeys. If you’re that self-centered, avoid the localized spots, cause it won’t go well for you no matter who you complain to. If you can surf even a little, can stay out of the way, and are willing to take some shit and play by the rules in effect wherever you go, the locals will eventually throw you a bone, and probably put you in the rotation before long.

bammbamm808: bingo.


If you can surf even a little, can stay out of the way, and are willing to take some shit and play by the rules in effect wherever you go, the locals will eventually throw you a bone, and probably put you in the rotation before long.

that right!

it was prolly some young tosser kook anyway that sharpied

and to be fair

was only one person not the whole crew.

its the locals that act aggro to tourists but are still kooks

they are the worse

most of the good sufers get the good waves anyway whether it crowded or not


if i lived in cali

and had to put up with that crap every day

i would give up surfing

or move

Playing by all the “rules” works at most spots…but not at Lunada. A while back Nick Carroll did an article in Surfing Magazine where he surfed the most notoriously localized spots in (Southern?) California. He’s obviously a competent surfer. He played by the all the above mentioned rules and still got hassled at Lunada. They’ll never give it up. They know it works.

You can’t even go there with a friend who is a “Bay Boy.” A friend of mine was roomates with one, they partied all the time, went surfing at the beaches and when my friend said “Hey Jim, let’s go surf the Bay.” The reply? “You’re on your own out there Bob. I can’t do anything for you.”

How bad do you want it? I don’t want it that bad.

Im so glad to live in a small coastal suburb in oz. I try not to surf weekends to stay away from “crowds”, but a crowd to me is 10 people. The other week i surfed after work on a friday arvo, and there was about 20-30 blokes. It was the most crowded surf i’ve ever had, and the locals are a bit grumpy, but they dont really hassle you. They’ll out paddle me anyway, so i just took the scraps, and they leave you alone. In winter, especially early morning midweek, im usually out with max 1 or 2 people, half the time by myself.

Cheers, and good luck guys

What the bay boys do is not localism, it’s privatizing a break. Making it off limits period. Provided you don’t show up with a car full of guys, you should be able to paddle out and be given the opportunity to display some common sense and respect, and possibly pick up a few scraps. Then the next time you show up you may get a few more and so on. If you don’t play by the rules then you deal with whatever you get dealt, and not run crying to the cops. Like hawaii. But once you and your crew make a break “off limits” your just begging for people to show up with video cameras and bait you, and get it all on tape. Then prosecute. Can I get a spot on that bus?

forget the cliff path lets invade on jet skis and have a ball!!!

Actually I think the “Bay Boys” have been officially deemed a “gang” by local law enforcement.

The bus won’t work. Surfrider tried that once. Loads of people, the local press, even got covered in Surfer magazine ( I remeber they paraded some stripper around on a longboard). The locals just sat back and watched, amused. After the momentary hoopla it was right back to business as usual.

They tried posting police to guarantee access. Didn’t work. Can’t do that 24/7. And , besides, like one local said, “You can get down the trail, but what are you gonna do once you’re out in the line up?”

So if you’re like some ultimate fighter or just get off on confrontation and even exchanging blows come on down, surf the Bay. But if you’re like me, a 155 lb weakling who’s into peace and good vibes you just go surf somewhere else.


I’m hearin’ you, but I don’t think you’re hearing him. What you’re saying makes sense, especially in the 808 where people travel from all over the world to get some surf. I mean it’s easy to see why Hawaiians protect their spots the way they do. But this situation is way different than over there.

He’s talkin’ about an otherwise average beach break with one lone guy out and no one waiting to go out. There’s no telling if that guy was even a local. Even still, they gave him space and never crowded him. I mean who were they supposed to respect? Who were they supposed to wait their turn behind? Who were they supposed to be humble before? Who’s ass were they not supposed to kiss? Some imaginary surfer? The pelicans? There was no one out and sounds like no one paddled out while they were there.

I’m all for respect for the locals. I get it. It’s their backyard. No worries. Full respect and all the stuff you were talking about. But if there are no locals, are you just supposed to look at the waves and wish the locals would show up and ride some so they don’t go to waste? Shall they think “gee, I hope some locals show up so I can not kiss their ass and wait my turn so they’ll throw me a bone”? That makes no sense.

Totally different deal.


theres a few spots like that in NZ and aus as well

no one out when its pumping cuz the locals are hung over or on P

still trash your car though

i say

#uck em”