Singlefins ideas!


Thanks Shark.

Maybe my message is a little bit misunderstood.

I know very much what you said and I know that even if one day we can say “THIS is the best board ever”, I will not surf better for sure because of the board.

It’s more because of my feeling for the moment. If I’m talking about that movie it’s because for me it’s maybe the better exemple of what is surfing and what I’m trying to achieve maybe. I can dream hahahaha. I’m not a perf surfer, explosive and everything. The long carves looks beautiful for me and just a good line, feeling on the wave. 

It’s funny because I was on a roadtrip for 2 months and I surf pretty all day my short single. I tried once again a thruster and the 

Hey everybody! 

Just finished the shape and already glassed the bottom…

Two pictures to thank you again.

Nice, I hope you got that splotch up by the nose!

Looks great!


Thanks and the glass had a bad moment again on the deck grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

But i’m trying to stay positive! Will do the us Box and leash today. After, hot coat + sanding and this time finish + sanding :p…

My red one is 7’2. 

The blue one is a Phil Grace single fin (purple haze) 7’0 and the other home made little (from my friend) is a 6’4 single-fin.