skateboard fins

Here’s one I just finished, Sector 9 nose and tail for lead fins and same thing on rears except that’s my kid’s “Black Label” skateboard. Added bonus, the rear fins had an unexpected inside curve on 'em (tip to base) that came out nice. Had good rider feedback, says the board’s really fast (which it should be as it’s a low rockered wide bodied fish outline.

That’s a killer idea… especially since I have 50 skateboard blanks that I got for free from the alley behind Nevada Street in Oceanside on trash night a while back… sign said: “Free… take one, take ALL!”

I got them back to my shop and had to take them all back out side to sweep each one off individually, as they had been stored out back and were full of HUGE Black Widows… I was finding a new one crawling “here” and tucked up “there” in my truck for a few weeks… YIKES!

I think they probably look thicker than they are due to the curvature. They are 4 plys thick. They probably could be foiled a little more but do I have that kind of patience? I’m not sure.

great thread! Somewhere I read that the keels on the first fishes had also been made from recycled skateboard decks… your posts inspired me to check out a local skate shop today and ask for old skate decks - et voila, I got four decks ready to be turned into fins. I plan on putting them on a winged fish, not too much volume, MarkRichardesque… probably quad set up. glas ons. however, first question:

How did you remove the grip deck?

greetings, KM


great thread! Somewhere I read that the keels on the first fishes had also been made from recycled skateboard decks… your posts inspired me to check out a local skate shop today and ask for old skate decks - et voila, I got four decks ready to be turned into fins. I plan on putting them on a winged fish, not too much volume, MarkRichardesque… probably quad set up. glas ons. however, first question:

How did you remove the grip deck?

greetings, KM

Use a heat gun to remove the grip tape. Don’t concentrate the heat, just get it hot enough to soften it up a bit. Have fun!

The grip tape on the board I used came off real easy once I got it started. Didn’t need heat at all.

Just quietly, without being nasty maybe these fins we always out of skate boards. They have been around for a long time. Look how surfboards evolved.


Just quietly, without being nasty maybe these fins we always out of skate boards. They have been around for a long time. Look how surfboards evolved.

I’m not sure I understand the post. Maybe fins were always made from skateboards? Anyway, whatever it is you mean, I don’t think anyone’s claiming an invention here, just showing off a way to make use of a broken skate.

