anybody playing around with alternatives to wood?
tree free 'cause i love trees
herb, i miss chatting with you at the river, hope you’ve been well. thank you for all the knowledge.
anybody playing around with alternatives to wood?
tree free 'cause i love trees
herb, i miss chatting with you at the river, hope you’ve been well. thank you for all the knowledge.
The forum at has a lot of good board builders (both with wood and without) on it. I’m experimenting with building a vacuum-bagged bamboo/epoxy skate right now.
The pics you posted are sweet, especially the second skate.
good luck…
Ok, I got some problems using the advanced editor, so you have to copy/paste.;search_string=skateboard%20silly;#287353
this is an alternate way for building skateboards. He’s using some balsa, but you could use carbon fibre instead. I hope you can see the pictures, because I had some problems with it. maybe it’s just a bad day with my pc…
I’m just in the process of making a deck for afriends birthday, I used to layers of teakfaced ply left over from a HWS and a layer of lite ply in the middle, I formed it over the top of and exitsting blank with lots of G clmps and cut the templated with a flush trim router bit. I’m in the process of adding glass to the top and bottom befoe ding some pen art, but thats more for easetics than structural as I think this will be more of a wall hanger. Not really an alternative but I thought I’d mension it.
I have a friend who had a custom solid glass deck made with a cloth inlay. Its 12mm thick so I’m guessin they used 40-50 layer of 6oz.
My method isn’t too “alternate”, but I use a vaccum bag to H-Lam sheets of 1/8’’ baltic birch, sometimes with texalium or fiberglass bottomsheets.
You can see my boards at
There is also v-lam construction, which results in some beautiful boards but makes concave difficult to achieve- I might give it a try though with many thin strips very slightly beveled.
anybody playing around with alternatives to wood? …
tree free 'cause i love trees
you love trees and hate windows???
say wha?
that’s a glass board! isn’t it?
so why would i hate windows? yes the boards are fiberglass, or, more specifically, they have about four layers of 10ozglass on either side.
i love windows. and trees.
Lee I got the joke. I have a fiberglass board from the 70’s that was my uncles can’t carry it under my arm without being itchy as hell.
yeah, silverfish have a great site, known about them for a while now. if you need any help with the vacuum bagging process i’d be glad to help.;search_string=lib%20tech%20skateboards;#259449
the libtech sk8’s are really good decks.
Heres some pics I took tonight it not quite finished as I’m still awaiting for the laquer to dry.
LIke I said befor a flush trim router bit makes quick work of the templating
Its a Birthday pressent for my Mate Benny who has relentlesslyhauled my arse to the surf since I can remember, firgured its about time I said thanks.
This I actually the first pen art I’ve done, obviously its inspired by Drew brophy’s work but I’m still stoke how it tuned out and I’m Sure Benny will be too.
people are usually amazed at the results of paint pens. fortuantly for me they are easy to use and most people don’t realize it. but never the less wood that looks awesome
Wow! You guys do some nice work.
But I’ve got one thing to say: skateboards suck!
It took me thirty years of riding the things, but I finally broke something: left arm/elbow at the pacifica skatepark. It’s been 25 days of no surfing so far, with a few more weeks to go probably (until I can push myself up on it - yeah, i know there are one-armed surfers, but I’m not one of them!)
I’ve made a few skate boards with vacuum bagging:
This one is three pieces of the 1/8" three-ply baltic birch, and a bottom ply of bamboo, with some mild concave:
These are just typical hardrock maple boards (7 layers for the street deck and 8 on the pintail longboard):
i’ve got enough maple around for about 5 more pool/street decks, so one of these days I’ll get around to making some more.