Due to medical problems I have decided to sell one of my planers,I actually have 6 of them in various condition so I really dont need it.I also have some extra motors etc. Its a 7.5 amp…full length,worn out paint but is tight and has an almost new set of blades.The motor is sparking a little bit and I think it only needs brushes. Here is the deal guys I will sell it to a sway bro. for $500.00 cash.I am not going to ship it because I wan’t whomever gets it to give it a run.Screw E bay and those thousand dollar price tags. I live in Savannah,Georgia ten minutes off Interstate 95.Email me at byhand@comcast .net or call 912 234 l759.My computer bro sais that my computer is infected with a klegg virus and that I shouldnt email anyone without permission.I don,t know squat about computers.See ya.
Hi, I know this is off topic, but since this is how I make a living, I thought I’d help out with your virus. It is most likely the klez virus, it is an easy fix go to http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/FixKlez.com when it asks what to do choose save, than run the repair tool, viola, no more klez… aloha http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/FixKlez.com
Due to medical problems I have decided to sell one of my planers,I > actually have 6 of them in various condition so I really dont need it.I > also have some extra motors etc. Its a 7.5 amp…full length,worn out > paint but is tight and has an almost new set of blades.The motor is > sparking a little bit and I think it only needs brushes. Here is the deal > guys I will sell it to a sway bro. for $500.00 cash.I am not going to ship > it because I wan’t whomever gets it to give it a run.Screw E bay and those > thousand dollar price tags. I live in Savannah,Georgia ten minutes off > Interstate 95.Email me at byhand@comcast .net or call 912 234 l759.My > computer bro sais that my computer is infected with a klegg virus and that > I shouldnt email anyone without permission.I don,t know squat about > computers.See ya. I’ll send you a money order.For the planer,if his turns into a circus, then forget it. I’ll do like I did for my dad on the Dale Solomonson superior surf mat. we’ll work it out before Christmas. Then you guys will have to help with a blank choice for a wide nose twin fin. I got grounded a couple a weeks ago., I got to go , The money’s goooooo
Hi, I know this is off topic, but since this is how I make a living, I > thought I’d help out with your virus. It is most likely the klez virus, it > is an easy fix go to > http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/FixKlez.com when it asks > what to do choose save, than run the repair tool, viola, no more klez… > aloha Yo Dewey thanks a lot Bro. we are going to to give it a try tomorrow.