snapped nose

I have a snapped off nose to repair on a funboard. What’s the best and easiest method? Is simply glueing the foam together and re-glassing it feasible? And if so, what kind of glue to use? I’ve splinted boards together before with dowels or wood strips but cosmetics and weight suffered. Help?

I have a snapped off nose to repair on a funboard. What’s the best and > easiest method? Is simply glueing the foam together and re-glassing it > feasible? And if so, what kind of glue to use? I’ve splinted boards > together before with dowels or wood strips but cosmetics and weight > suffered. Help? …Mix up a batch of Q cell and stick it together.Let it set for 2or3 hour’s.Then take a sander and sand a six inch wide band around the whole mess.Enough to take the first layer of glass off so when you do glass it,it will blend together.The first layer of glass should be six inch’s wide and the next layer will be four inch’s wide.Do them both at the same time.Sand and gloss and polish.Q cell is just like foam dust.It’s just a filler.Just make a paste,a little lose so it will fill all the void’s.Put paper under it so you don’t make a mess.

I have a snapped off nose to repair on a funboard. What’s the best and > easiest method? Is simply glueing the foam together and re-glassing it > feasible? And if so, what kind of glue to use? I’ve splinted boards > together before with dowels or wood strips but cosmetics and weight > suffered. Help? A hot glue gun works

I have a snapped off nose to repair on a funboard. What’s the best and > easiest method? Is simply glueing the foam together and re-glassing it > feasible? And if so, what kind of glue to use? I’ve splinted boards > together before with dowels or wood strips but cosmetics and weight > suffered. Help? Try a couple of tongue depressors instead of dowels. Adds a bit of strength to the joint while it bonds, kinda like biscuts in woodworking. The glass is what will give it long term strength.

Try a couple of tongue depressors instead of dowels. Adds a bit of > strength to the joint while it bonds, kinda like biscuts in woodworking. > The glass is what will give it long term strength. Like Kokua said hot glue works good…it saves you the hassle of rigging up a contraption to set the rocker while resin drys…just hold it in place for a minute or so and glass strong.