would just be a very thinned out nose? I am doing my archives searches and they are an immense help. Can anyone give examples of current boards that use the blended step? Alternativly what longboards today have no step at all? Also if shaping a standard step deck, you have to pull the foam off the deck which gets into softer foam? Please correct any mistakes i have made. Thanks
At this time I would say both the Bing Lightweight Step and the Silver Spoon are the most impressive as far as design and performance steps. Most longboards today have no steps. Mucho work and foiling to get correct and functional.
Don’t forget the original: the Harbour Cheater of '66. They became available again a few years ago in the Harbour line up. Pics and info on the website and discussion in the Harbour forum.
simmoms…SIMONS>>>…casting about terms like o r i g i n a l …is a dicey proposition,…yater had a simmons spoon that sperned the spoon evo- epoch
where it was was leanin’ up against the wall at the state street retail shop- …I had …I HAD SEEN UM… with all the spoons to be delivered that week …the original cheater was perhaps a little after the yater spoon had hammer -ed the conciousness of the performance generation and encouraged the cheater when Bigler came down fron santa barbara with the exciting news…we also saw dropped deck profiles from many shops throughout the known world …Eliminator -greek…Elevator -ramsey JAY …LIGHT WEIGHT FROM HOBIE… ADD ON YOUR OWN… THE LIST IS BEYOND ME … ambrose…dickie 's was called the DELIGHT…catchy name but it was an o’neil …
casting about terms like o r i g i n a l ...is a dicey proposition
yeah, we know. and to be accurate, the words used by Harbour are, “the for-runner of all bender boards.” Maybe Rich will drop by here and post how he feels his Cheater model fits into the evolution of surfboards. Or maybe it’s already in the archives here. It’s not really important now since we all have more important things to think about than who was first (for example, does the design actually work? does anyone want to buy one knowing that they break, etc.?).
Yater Spoon.
No boards other than a few specialty ones like the Spoon, harbour cheater, and a few others use any form of a step. You can answer the question as to why…
Haut Bump, Rick UFO, Mike Eaton Step deck Kick tail bonzer, Gene Cooper makes a step deck board also, Greg Nolls Da Cat. They all work, some better then others. I like them. I think we just need to spend a little more time refining the design. The Step Deck was dropped in 1968 when the short board started to come to live.