SOCAL sanding glasssing shop.

Hey guys well I was trying to get everything done for my yearly roadtrip down south this year. The wife got a timeshare so i had a deadline for once. I didn’t get three boards sanded before we had to leave. So Does anyone here work in a shop that can get me cut in line so I can ride these things on my trip? I will be happy to pay a pro sander. I will check into a few places. I am in carlsbad for the week and am either headed north or south at the end so I would like to have them pretty quick. Thanks guys

I'm sure somebody will jump in here shortly and offer to do it for you within close proximity.  I know there are quite a few in Oceanside.  I think the Channin shop is still in operartion in Encinitas.  Basham's is in up in San Clemente.  For a boardbuilder if you've never been in there that's always a fun visit.  I'm sure someone from Sways is probably closer.  Good luck

Got it sorted, Thanks will post some pics when done.