I picked a FireWire dirt cheap but it has a collapsed deck in the tail pad area from the previous owner doing too many airs.
I tried to rebuild the areas with milled fiber/qcel putty and glass but it’s collasped again.
Do i have to did all the foam out and refoam the board again and then use deCell before glassing it?
I was thinking of cutting out the collapsed area and using expanding foam in a can and more qcell/milled fiber putty and then glassing the while back deck with carbon fiber with 1/8 exposed cork over the top of that instead of trying to re-dcell the deck and then glassing it
bass akwards?
I was going to vac bag the carbon fber/cork on the deck
I was using this chromaveil stuff from fiberglast to cover up some ugly woodskinned boards with lots of sand thoughs.
I glassed the chromaveil on with a layer or 2oz over that but becuase of the heat where I live I ended up with a huge bubble on the nose becuase of a temp change issue before hotcoatng.
I’ve drilled a bunch of holes all over the bubble even slit it and am planning to inject xylene dliuted pigmented epoxy onto the holes with a syringe and then vacbag the bubble down flat as I can get it.
I can’t just cut out the bubble because its a patterned and printed veil (see below)
bad idea?