I spoke with Wyman at fry’s and he said you basically have to put a gloss coat on your board, do you do this? Thanks,P.V.
I spoke with Wyman at fry’s and he said you basically have to put a gloss > coat on your board, do you do this?>>> Thanks,P.V. I never asked Wyman that question, but the answer is interesting. One property of epoxy boards which give them the capability of being lighter than poly boards is sandability. You don’t have to add a hotcoat over the lam job, just so you can sand the lam. After you lam with epoxy, sand away. After sanding, your next coat can be a combination sanding/gloss coat. Success in using only one resin coat over the glass depends on how closely you are able to shape foam, then glass. That’s what I try to get away with, with incareasing success. I usually end up re-coating where I’ve sanded through the resin or adding resin to a low spot before polishing.