…guys, to bring a note of sadness into those happy Christmas/new year days but…
Yesterday, my brother and father (who had come down from Paris to visit us during X-mas holidays) have been hit on a crossing passage by some asshole who shouldn’t be allowed to drive.
My brother had his leg broken in two places with an open wound and I’ve just been called (it’s 8:00 AM, here) by the hospital to tell me my father died during the night.
Thanks to all of you to dedicate a wave to a guy who never surfed and probably never quite understood what surfing and surfboards meant to me but who was so much more by every respect.
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your father and the injuries to your brother.
FWIW, you definitely add a touch of class around here.
Regarding the wave dedication… Just any wave simply won’t do. It’ll have to be a good set wave. I’ll have to be in the right position, as a wipe out won’t do either. When the right one comes and I’m on it, it’s got your dad’s memory all over it. I’ll be thinking of both of you.
Very sorry for your loss. My father died recently after a good long life and it was hard but he is free now. My heart sunk when I read your post. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
When I saw your new post, I thought about standing in the parking lot above Guethary a few days ago with you and a couple of other good guys, just talking surf like a bunch of kids. Sure made me smile until I started reading. Mathilde and I are really sorry for your loss, and wish your brother a speedy recovery.
oh guilhem i am so sorry to hear of your loss. death is a dark thief & i cry now when i think of your pain.
i had already planned to surf tomorrow with my dad at the little cove where last year we spread my daughter’s ashes. now i am determined to ride a wave for your father tomorrow morning, & i will pray for you, & your brother’s recovery, & peace for your families in this your time of sadness & grief.
may you know & experience god’s peace & comfort in this your terrible time.
I’m very sorry for you & your family, Balsa, Guilhem.
Hopefully in reading everyone’s expressions of sorrow and wishes for recovery, you’ll have some small measure of comfort. Please know that I and all your good friends from all over the world (most of whom you’ve never met) are deeply affected by your loss, as we are any time a fellow Swaylocker feels pain. Quite strong, these feelings of friendship, I think.