
Does anyone use lighweight spackle to fill in the bottom lam. lap? What are the pros and cons of this method?

Does anyone use lighweight spackle to fill in the bottom lam. lap? What > are the pros and cons of this method? I do. I laminate EPS foam with epoxy glass. After cutting my lap edges I grind off the tape dirt and glue. Then I spackle, dry and sand. Pros: You can cut lots of dirt and glue away with little payment in looks. You can make errors without paying for them. Cons: Close inspection of a finished board will reveal a slight difference in color between bottom glass and spackle under the top glass. I have absolutely no evidence, but I suspect lots of pro shops flatten their lap edges by pushing their lap edges into the foam. The method may make a board weigh a fraction of an ounce more, but I suspect it makes a good board. Some people may complain that pushing lap edges into the foam causes a break in the foam’s resin seal, and a break in the foam. But the resin seal breaks at the lap joint anyway. Besides, the next step is laminating over the lap joint, a process which soaks resin into the depressed lap and exposed foam.