I recently picked up a clark second blank in real good shape, but it has a couple of indents on the bottom that I know I am not going to be able to plane out because I want to go as thick as possible. I know you use spackle on epoxy boards, can I use spackle with poly resins without any troubles? Any particular brand better that others? I don’t want any discoloration or bleeding with the spackle I need to use fill my indents. Thanks for any info.
I read somewhere on this site to be sure and use purified water to mix spackle to avoid the discoloration problem.
Use lightweight pre mixed Spackle. Blow all the dust out of the indent, do the Spackle, let it dry then sand. aloha
Use lightweight pre mixed Spackle. Blow all the dust out of the indent, do > the Spackle, let it dry then sand.>>> aloha …I use either a mix of white glue and foam dust or sugar and lam resin(a trick I learned from Jim Phillips).In either case mix them on the dry side,crumblely.Fill your holes let dry and sand…THE REASON I DON’T USE WALLBOARD TAPE(spackle) anymore is it doesn’t take paint very well,and it tends to brown(in time) much quicker than the foam.Herb.