Speed Dialer Sizing Help for a lighter surfer

Ok, I know, first post etc. must be a troll :slight_smile:

Nonetheless, I’ve been lurking on the boards here for a while and swaylocks is awesome!

Ok, before the flaming begins, I did many searches on speed dialer sizing and most recs were for

people who were 6’+ and 195-200 lbs.

I’m around 5’10" and 155-160 lbs. Surfing for 15+ years. Skill level-intermediate. Usually wear a 3 mill down here

in slow-cal. Surfing mostly beachbreaks down in HB etc.

Current boards,

-6’2" rainbow speed-dialer aka quan (way too big)

-5’8" CI Biscuit (perfect float, yeah I know, CI’s are big no no’s :))

biscuit paddles perfect and is super loose (it’s 20.25 wide by 2-3/4 thick).

-5’11" CI M13 (19.25x2-3/8)

The 6’2" was a rehab board (injured neck), but I progressed so fast and reached its limitations immediately.

I’ve ridden a 5’10 dialer of unknown dims, (foiled rails, but seemed pretty full in volume) and it felt like a tad too much volume.

I’m thinking 5’8"-5’9" by 20-1/2 by 2-3/8. Anybody ridden similar dims?

I love the speed, glide, and loosness of the dialer, just want to go a little smaller and more rippable. All thoughts are welcome.

Thanks y’all…


I’m almost exactly the same weight as you are, minus an inch or two. I ride a 5’6 quite comfortably. I’d go 5’6 to 5’8, no bigger. Moonlight glassing has a great looking 5’6 Gary Hanel quad available for a reasonable price. Sell that 6’2 and pick up an everyday rider.

I also am the same size as you. I’ve got a 5’9" quad similar to the one you want; if I had to do it over, I’d go an inch or two shorter.

Thanks guys for the input! Yeah, that GH quad at Moonlight is pretty nice. I’ve got a greenroom Pavel dialer on lay-away,

dims are 5’8" x 20.5 x 2-3/8. Custom from Rich is out of the question for now since the wait would be nearly a year and it would likely come out pretty similar to this one. The rails are really foiled on this one and I was even worried that it might not have enough foam, but I’m likely mistaken.

They also have a 5’10 that’s pretty foiled out, but that would probably be way too much foam for me?

Nonetheless, I really miss that speed and drive of the canard quad. I love my thrusters, but sometimes I just want to fly down the line.

Thanks again.
