
Where do you get it?

GP resin? its general purpose resin availble any where… hardware stores garage sales any boat repair place! also i recieved this news today in a mass mail out!.. " Chelsea Georgeson last week won the WCT event in Hossegor France. Chelsea has been using Speeedfins for some months. For more info and here what Chelsea said check out www.speeedfins.com Geoff Cropley CEO-Speeedfins" http://feraldave.com

Thanks dave, and congrats to chelsea!

Just spoke with the installer from morning glass glasshop. This should give you guys an idea: He said the ketchup bottle that he uses to squirt resin in for FCS, does about 4 boards with one full bottle. Same bottle will only do 2 speeedfin boards. Double the resin brings weight and strenght issues to mind. He also said he has been routing through the deck on some thin tailed shortboards, and claims the routed depth to be 1 inch deep. Have heard they were working on a redesigned box, so maybe they will sort out some these problems. Just funny to me when I see lots of advertising when it’s obvious they have some kinks to work out. Advertising can get you in trouble quick if your not completely ready for the demand.