Hey guys. I am just finishing making my first and have had a lil bit of interest from a couple of passers by and friends. I am now gonna make a spoon for an old friend. I really need any info on them and stuff as i have no clue as to them. I have only seenlike one ever lol. Pleeeease can i get some pics aswell.
Ohk. What about kneeboards. I mean how does one go about making one. Obvious same as surfboard but smaler and bla bla. But ummmmmmm. Dimensions. i have no clue, i dont really knoe much about them. The guy im going to shape the board for is still a bit of an ameteur and i dnt know what surf he surfs so i dont know if the waves he surfs will get a spoon gonig since they are so thin etc and cant surf weak small waves. Prob end up just making a av kneeboard.
Mate, I don’t know if this will help much but here is an article from Bob McTavish written circa 1977. I noticed the other day that Bob has surfaced here on Swaylocks so firstly…Welcome Mr McTavish, I hope you don’t mind me posting this link and if you have anything else to add after 30 years please do, I think Cheater can use a bit of help.
They are shorter and proportionally wider than surfboards. Part of it is ‘cos your average kneeboard type ( like me) won’t be moving back and forth on it. You can kinda take it from there, there’s at least as much variation in kneeboards as surfboards. Sizes range from 4’6" ( really waaay too small ) to 7’ ( contest boards for large guys) .
As to a flex-spoon for somebody that’s a relative beginner; that might be a little tricky. Like just about all kneeboards, they ‘prefer’ a fast, powerful wave more than anything else.
Now, rather than go on and just describe what I like, let me suggest www.ksusa.org, where you’ll find a greater spread of the tribe.
Cheater 5, is all this what you were talking about?
Just wanna make sure.
When I hear “spoon” the first thing I think of is an 8’6" Yater.
Not that these kneelo flexspoons aren’t spoons too, but nobody had mentioned the ‘other’ spoon.
Sgt: “That’s Charlie’s Point, Sir. Its a little Hairy.”
Capt Willard: “Charlie doesn’t surf.”
Col Kilgore: “F$#k it, we’ll take the point first thing in the morning and then go surfing. Lance, pick out a board you like. Bring me my Yater Spoon, its the 8’6”."