spray job

im looking at doing a two colour spray job. bottam and rails light green and top yellow. how do i get this without a big tapeline and and wide pinline? thanks

im looking at doing a two colour spray job. bottam and rails light green > and top yellow. how do i get this without a big tapeline and and wide > pinline? thanks Tape it off and spray deck yellow,spray clear acrylic over yellow along tape off wide enough for next tape off. Pull first tape off off. Now when you do tape off for bottom and rail spray the yellow should stick and not lift when you pull that tape after light green spray,Good luck, Aloha, Kokua

im looking at doing a two colour spray job. bottam and rails light green > and top yellow. how do i get this without a big tapeline and and wide > pinline? thanks Cross your fingers at the trigger of the gun, then pray … have fun