Spray on Carbon Fiber board


I’m a yacht architect, so have access to plenty of left over carbon fiber in the yard, so I’ve decide to make my self a few carbon boards.

  • What do you think would be the best blank for carbon ? EPS ?

  • Since the carbon is black, how does it works for the spray, do I spray over the carbon once laminated and sanded, then apply the hotcoat ?

  • Since the carbon is much more resistant than glass fiber, do I still need two layers of 4oz on the deck or one layer is enough ?

Thank you very much in advanced



hey mateo

just use 1.5 # eps, 4oz carbon, and add over it some 4 oz glass,



glosscoat, or spray a final lacquer coat…

take it easy and post pics!!


p.s. i dont believe carbon wraps around rails well, so maybe just do inlays for starters, and keep rails at least 12oz glass.

you mean spray white maybe?? just color the lamination that goes on top, and maybe colored hotcoat too!


Hey, thanks for your reply.


I want to leave the carbon weave apparent with a polish finish.

But I still want to had a logo and some minor sprayed flames.

When do I do it ? between the glassing and the hot coat ?



well, personally [hacker] i would:

vacuum carbon on

rough sand down to the shape on the rails…

add logo on top of carbon

glass over, maybe with regular 3ozglass


sand to 320 grit

if there is no weave showing, [means you are experienced]

it is time for the flames…

flame [air-brush] away, and finish with clear spray, 2-pac. maybe ask automotive friend to do the board for you…

dont do gloss coats just yet, or you will be sorry to sand through the flames

i guess that would be real sick looking, red yellow flames and carbon, cheesy, but good looking anyway

**add a vent, **the carbon will HEAT up a lot, melt your wax, blow board up… and so on
