Spray Paint tragedy

I’ve used a dozen different clear coats on boards and I’ve heard of dozens more. I’ve never heard this. If your worried about clear coats either check here or make a test batch to be sure.

I’ve had some curious stuff happen with epoxy before. I had a blown glass hummingbird feeder with a crack. I put some epoxy on the inside to seal the crack. It cured OK but when I added the sugary red liquid and it sat for awhile the epoxy somehow interacted with the liquid, turned red and got all rubbery. I peeled it off and it was almost like those fruit rollups - very flexible and slightly stretchy. The epoxy used that wasn’t in contact with the red liquid was fine. It has been suggested that my mix was off, etc but the original batch cured fine. Am curious as to what your clear coat was.

This is a good trippy thread… But, since someone pointed out weird stuff in relation to what we say about stuff here…

Why do people call it a “hot coat” in reference to epoxy, when it has nothing to do with the sanding coat - which is refered to as the “hot coat” - used when working with PE? Just been wanting to ask this question lately…

Also - I’ve used plain old Rustoleum (sp?) on RR glassed boards w/no issues.

I would suggest laying up some small test samples and try one the way you did the boards, one with a post cure and then paint them with the same paint you painted the boards with and see what happens.

If you still have a bunch of the resin left call your supplier and let them know about it and ask if there are any other tests you could do before you bring the resin back

It could be a bad batch (I have had that before and tried everything before I contacted my rep, he suggested rnning some samples and then replaced the resin for me - tho we never found out what exactly was the problem)

good luck


How do you figure it has nothing to do with the sanding coat?

The hotcoat on a poly board is the “fill coat” on an epoxy glassed board. Since most people started with poly, they use “hotcoat” as the generic term for the fill or sanding coat.

Ha! Got me… I guess I think that way, 'cuz you “can’t” sand the lam coat of PE, but I have “cheated” on my lam w/epoxy to the point I sanded it, and called it good.

Sorry to be so kooky - some times I just do it though…