spray painting a already glassed board

i have this surfboard and it is pretty sun burnt. so i was wondering if it is possible to spray paint it. if so could you tell me your thoughts on how to do this and materials i will need. thank you very much

i have this surfboard and it is pretty sun burnt. so i was wondering if it > is possible to spray paint it. if so could you tell me your thoughts on > how to do this and materials i will need. thank you very much I over heard my dad laughing while he was trying tell my mom something about all you need is a spray can, and the finger. I think he was still joking with the finger he was demonstrating. I’ve seen my mom demonstrate that finger thing in traffic, She didn’t have a spray can. You know I could go on and on about this. If you don’t like it or me, than don’t read my name! pass over? But you can’t help it, can you

I forgot to tell ya to press the finger on the top the can, and then move the can back and forth until the sun burnt is all gone.(my mom sprays that sun burnt stuff on my neck and back all the time. Then you got a brand new board. I overheard my dad say something about you also got to sign you name I don’t know what Kilroy was here means Bed time See ya after schools out Love ya

I forgot to tell ya to press the finger on the top the can, and then move > the can back and forth until the sun burnt is all gone.(my mom sprays that > sun burnt stuff on my neck and back all the time. Then you got a brand new > board. I overheard my dad say something about you also got to sign you > name I don’t know what Kilroy was here means Bed time See ya after schools > out Love ya Well we at least know that you are a juvenile poster due to your references to mom and dad.That in itself renders you with no credibiliy.Hope mom and dad don’t find the porn mags under your bed.As for your pimple problem try “Stridex” pads and stay off the french fries. By the way “Kilroy” was a famous cartoon character from the world warII era.Lots funnier than your hero’s Beavis and Butthead.Good luck son…you need it.

Well we at least know that you are a juvenile poster due to your > references to mom and dad.That in itself renders you with no > credibiliy.Hope mom and dad don’t find the porn mags under your bed.As for > your pimple problem try “Stridex” pads and stay off the french > fries. By the way “Kilroy” was a famous cartoon character from > the world warII era.Lots funnier than your hero’s Beavis and Butthead.Good > luck son…you need it. No “credibiliy” huh huh huh. Good Luck?? We had this word in first grade! Get a dictionary, “credibiliy” we all have one, we even got spell check here,“credibiliy” well, we’ll both be in second grade next year. Maybe you could sleep over at my house, and you could show me your(spelling words) stick, and tell us a story, and I could fall asleep dreaming about your cleanlines, and your spelling list for friday, and your credibiliy-- Oh well! Kilory was here! My grandfather said capitalize WWII as we move into the 2nd grade. You can’t spell or anything, but my sister hold me that in college some old pro’s hide the Stridex near the hemroid creams. You got a rash… Huh? The kids up the street think you do credibiliy — one day 1

1 Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines, Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Sorry Creamlines,Mavis

Ok…which one of you guys put on a dress and post crap as Coral.

Sam: Not sure how much equipment you have to do this. I’ve redone several really ugly beaters with 2 part industrial epoxy. This is nasty stuff so make sure you have a good mask and cover yourself for overspray fog. You must clean and sand your surfaces very well and then fill all the dings, spider cracks etc. I’ve done a few small sailboats the same way and use fiberglass fairing compound for all the small nicks and spiders. This type of paint flows pretty well so you can roll, brush or spray. I spray it with a standard spray gun and have had some really durable and decent looking finishes. For critical, long term use you might want to use a clear sealer to avoid the chalking that epoxy is known for. Tom S.>>> i have this surfboard and it is pretty sun burnt. so i was wondering if it > is possible to spray paint it. if so could you tell me your thoughts on > how to do this and materials i will need. thank you very much

I think Coral is Herb’s alter ego. I think Herb talking about taking things out of diapers to make boards with was a dead give away!! aloha, tom

I think Coral is Herb’s alter ego. I think Herb talking about taking > things out of diapers to make boards with was a dead give away!!>>> aloha, tom …But it’s not.I can’t take the credit for coral,I’m not saying that I have never posted under another name, but not this one.Herb

I think Coral has been pretty busy posting under quite a few names here. That’s the thing about little pests they buzz around for a while then they clear out. Didn’t Coral show up about the 14th of June? Think it could have been that near miss with that asteroid that set him off? Tom S.>>> …But it’s not.I can’t take the credit for coral,I’m not saying > that I have never posted under another name, but not this one.Herb