Spreading the Swaylock's word

I have a small website that I created for surfers in Pennsylvania. It is fun for me to feel like I am contributing something to the surf community. This has always been one of my favorite sites and I did a little article about this site and posted it today. Hopefully I can get some more users over to Swaylock’s and help keep this resource going. Besides a couple clicks on the Google ads (makes me enough money to buy a pack of gummy bears every month) I don’t make money off my site, so this is not a clever marketing ploy. Just doing my part to spread the word. Here is the link to the article (for anyone who is interested):http://www.pasurfer.com/articles/swaylocks.html


I’d love to see some pictures of your boards and where you surf. I have a brother that lives in Pittsburg. Mike

The home page has pictures of me surfing (I guess you can call that shameless self-promoting). Most of the pictures are from Ocean City NJ.

Here is a list of the current boards I own:

#1. I have a new longboard I got from Brian Wynn a little while ago as part of a website redesign project. 9’6" volan cloth, glassed on (hand shaped) wood fin, pintail, with knee paddle patch and blue tint.

#2. 6’ Caster quad that I restored from the 80’s. Down rail everywhere, water just shoots off the bottom of this board. On the home page one of the photos is me doing a bottom turn on this board.

#3. 6’ Tim Nolte twin fin (large keels)

#4. 6’6" Brian Wynn single fin with FCS side bites.

#5. 6’10" semi-gun Brian Wynn 5 fin bonzer (winter board).

#6. 7’6" single fin Joel Tudor egg (shaped by Stu Kenson).

#7. 8’ spongy learners board I got for my friends and wife.

I never have updated photos of the boards, but I might want to lay them all out while I am this happy with my board selection. This is the only time in my life I don’t feel like I am missing out on a magic board.