Spreadsheet for Roberts White Diamond and a new project for Coil

I haven’t posted on here so I thought I would share with those that don’t hang out on the Surfermag BB.  If you haven’t seen it before, I believe it is the first published data collection of a normalized population for a surfboard design.  When I say normailzed it’s not in the technical sense so much.  It’s one thing to hear a paid pro give his take on his sponsor’s board.  But, it’s totally different to find someone in your size and your skill level give you a ride report and how to optimize fins from the start. I had this idea in my mind for a very long time.  Only a few opportunities have presented themselves for me to dedicate my time in parsing down information.  The first being Robert’s wonder board and because of the type of person he is and now the second being Coil for their innovation in construction and its adaptation in board design.

If you have a Roberts White Diamond or one of its Roberts derivatives and I don’t have you on the sheet and you want to share, please feel free to reply on this thread or send me a PM.

The Coil sheet is being started as a compilation of reviews from both sites.  The input for the sheet is being pulled from the review threads so please continue posting on there.  As I break down the users and their reports, I’ll send out some PMs to fill in blanks.  If you respond that’s real cool.  Once I start getting a decent looking sheet, I’ll post it as a work in progress.

Catch a wave,





Thanks for taking on this compilation of data, it's a very interesting (and useful) project. If you need help from me filling in board info (volumes, dims, etc.) feel free to contact....


Another field that might be helpful would be where the person is located/or home break, just to get some sense of the waves they surf. 


It’s funny to see Dane and Jordy on the WD list.