sprout -- when available?

I think it already is, I was just watching the DVD yesterday at a freinds house. -Carl

tim, I picked up a copy yesterday at Long Beach Surf Shop…well done DVD, some good watershots of surf mat riding and plenty of fish…

Available at www.wetsand.com

Got it yesterday at Ventura surf shop. Such a good movie! Worth the bucks for sure. The sound track is real good with Tommy Gurerro and other current jazz stuff. Mark Cuningham, Mike Stewart, Gerry Lopez, Dan Malloy,Rasta …ALL My Heroes!! Mike Stewart on this big indo wave just rides the highest line imaginable for what seems like eternity. I don’t body board but that guy is about as good a waterman as you will EVER find!Rasta goes soooo fast on a 5ft 4 fish and looks like a fly the way he is stuck to the board. I really liked the flick!!Oh yeah!! Dan Malloy is ina huge indo tube and dives off and body surfs a long way in the tube …in perfect trim!!

Just saw it for the first time T Moe. did a great job, nice music and pace.

Has anyone seen it anywhere in Australia yet ??


Best bet would be to try the Classic Video Company in Byron Bay - check out an Aussie Longboard mag for contact details. Other than that you could try www.ezydvd.com.au or www.atlanticdvd.com.au!!! You could even try Murf at Murf’s Surf Shop in Victoria who can get his hands on different DVD’s at times. And let me know how you go as i’ll be in line for a copy as well - not to mention a DVD copy of The Seedling.

I have just ordered online the followup to Andrew Kidman’s Litmus DVD - it’s called Glass Love and features all the guys from Litmus plus a couple of newies like Neal Purchase Jnr. Filmed all over the world and from what i’ve read it looks very good indeed. Glass Love - go to www.litmus.com.au for details and other goodies. I should get my copy in the next day or two so i’ll let you guys know how it goes.


yep, thanks Fredo…Dick Hoole seems to be THE man in oz for distribution now eh ?

You read /saw the photos in ‘The Surfer’s Path’ too then, eh ?

‘litmus’ and ‘searching for Tom Curren’ would be my favourite two videos, I reckon…as well as 95 % of Jack McCoys…


G’day Ben,

Sprout is out!!! Has been for a couple of weeks apparently. If you’re keen for a copy and can’t find one locally then let me know and I’ll get my brother to order it in.

See ya,



I was flicking thru “The Surfer’s Path” and saw the photo’s and story ot Glass Love etc… which prompted me to go on-line and order the DVD. I warn you though -it’s expensive $55 plus GST plus freight, so not much change from $70AUS.

Funny isn’t it - Litmus is the same price however I went to www.realsurf.com.au and they have it listed for $37 plus freight!!! GO FIGURE!!!

I have all McCoy’s work on video and the latest stuff on DVD however he’s about to release all the old stuff on DVD soon - shit, it’s going to be a costly exersize to get his old stuff on DVD!!! Searching for Tom Curren is a favourite of mine as well.

I just can’t seem to enjoy those free DVD’s that ASL attach to their magazines. How anyone enjoy’s that sort of fast paced music is beyond me - the surfing is good but not great. Or should I say the surfers are talented but not my style!!! It’s all that flicky shit these days - they said MR was the wounded seagull well these young guys seem to have no style what so ever with arms so high they look like they’re on invisible coat-hangers and legs so far apart they look like they have hemeroids!!! Atleast MR is graceful and linked his turns beautifully.

I suppose you could call movies like Litmus, Glass Love, Shelter, Sprout etc. alternative!!! I like the variety of boards and surfers that ride them but they don’t appeal to the masses I guess.