the rider is on the house!
praise the house
Do Ron Ron
yes he do!
praise the ron
the rant about the copying is not uncommon to my rantings and Yet I must say
thaT as much as one may try
the rendering of the ''copied lines and cyrves
belie the attenuations unique to the craftsman executing the piece…
ala rodins bronzes signed
that were done by his mistress were recognizable
to the illuminated eye.
the back cover of the mag has the house logo
with his prominance encrypted thereupon
praise be where praise justly resides.
the days of wine and noseriders long since past
the shapers day carefully forming the lasts
for the shoes worn for the naked emperors
quoted in perpetuity
for the less than illuminated to
quibble into the later century
over nuances derrived from production limits.
long live the hand shaped one offs
and may dr.House be paid well
his due
as he has a dues book filled with
paid mark stamps
I say this with no knowlege
or evidence specific
just an optimist’s
that the shaper is
not paid
in dope.
with a trend like that in place
there is no reason for the
craft not to achieve inter stellar space.
royalties to the true king,
the crafts man whose
ships sails or flounders
at the whim of the
mass producer.
yes I do .