Has anyone ever shaped a board with a star tail? What are the pros and cons of how they surf? I’m thinking of shaping an 8’-0"x15 3/4"x21 1/2"x15"x2 7/8", down rails and tucked under edge in the tail, belly to slight v, and single fin. Thanks. —Michael
Has anyone ever shaped a board with a star tail? What are the pros and > cons of how they surf? I’m thinking of shaping an 8’-0"x15 > 3/4"x21 1/2"x15"x2 7/8", down rails and tucked under > edge in the tail, belly to slight v, and single fin. Thanks. —Michael …Do you mean a fangtail like the old Jeff Ho Z boards?Herb
Herb, I’ve never heard the term fangtail but sounds like it might be the same thing. The one I mentioned looks like a diamond tail but it’s pulled in on the sides leaving a point that hangs down like a tip of a star or fang. ----Michael
Herb, I’ve never heard the term fangtail but sounds like it might be the > same thing. The one I mentioned looks like a diamond tail but it’s pulled > in on the sides leaving a point that hangs down like a tip of a star or > fang. ----Michael …Now it sounds more like a battail?At any rate,here’s my 3.5 cents(inflation)They work well, but in the case of a fangtail like jeff’s design I didn’t notice much difference from a standard swallowtail of the same period,and battails ride much like a diamond but with a little more bite. …If you watch Dogtown and Z-Boys movie you can see examples of a fang.Herb
Herb, Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated —Michael
Herb, Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated —Michael Let’s stir up some debate! What would the response be to the comment that tails play little to no apreciable difference in board performance. “This statement does not necessarily reflect the views of Ohanasurf or its mgmt.” JC
Let’s stir up some debate! What would the response be to the comment that > tails play little to no apreciable difference in board performance. > “This statement does not necessarily reflect the views of Ohanasurf > or its mgmt.” JC …all I can say is,it does for me.Herb
I can for sure tell the difference in a pin and a square tail!!! I dig the diamond tail on my Harbour simms. Great rail to rail action. A very well known shaper(wont mention names) says that the swallow tail and a squash tail perform the same…anyone dissagree?
I can for sure tell the difference in a pin and a square tail!!! I dig the > diamond tail on my Harbour simms. Great rail to rail action. A very well > known shaper(wont mention names) says that the swallow tail and a squash > tail perform the same…anyone dissagree? Well one thing is for sure if you take your favorite squash tail and cut a swallow into it. I can bet you dollars to donuts it won’t surf the same. Some of the lift in the tail will be gone cause there wont be as much board back there and I think it’ll bite harder, but that’s conjecture untill somebody does it. To bad Ben Aipa isn’t here to answer the question. I’ll bet he could spell out for all of us. Good Surfin’, Rich
Good Surfin’, Rich Rich Harbour??
Nope just another who’s rich in spirit. Mahalo, Rich