Picture of makeing the edge. Used masonite cut to shape for a mold and then used clear resin for the bead. While I was working on that I descided to start on my 14 foot tom blake replica done in koa. While drawing that I came across the stitch and glue Kaholo 14 foot as it seemed more useable than the Blake so changed to that. Made full size half templates for the Kaholo. Finished the full size rib templates and was ready to start cutting real wood but had to drop that and do a koa bed. Got the bed done just in time to score on a Camphor log from my neighbor which I now need to mill. It's 13 feet long so I will be useing some of it to make a Hallow wood board.
Cutting the templates for the Kaholo. The reason for the templates is to be able to pattern cut all the parts on my shaper.
[IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r195/Wood_Ogre/september2010020.jpg[/IMG] It's a lot easier with the templates to be able to interupt the job and pick up on it laiter cause I can just put all the parts and templates aside and I can see exactly where I left off and not wonder what the F I was doing.
I have had my eye on this tree for a long time. My new neighbor descided to cut it down. Of coarse I offered my services for free If I could have the wood. The tree trimmer service wanted $1,000 to cut it down and hall it away.Well the neighbor got it down for free and I got a 13 ft saw log out of it which I will mill friday weather permitting. I am thinking of turning some of this into something resembling a Weber Performer. But to do that is no easy task. Little bit more difficult than mowing foam with a skill planer. Heres a pic of the tools needed to start makeing a board from a tree. It will take some time too. The log has to be milled stickered and dried.
There will be problems on the way , First off is my solar kiln is only 11and a half feet long. So guess I will package the log and dehumidify it. Of coarse I have no idea how long that will take! Something tells me this thread could take a long , long time. !! Lets see now, one of them paddles is leaning against the wall by the back door and I am going to have to look around for the other. I know it's in the shop some where! ahui hou- Wood_Ogre
Wood Ogre, that is some beautiful figuring on the Koa! Really nice job. What was the finish on it? Also the finial and feet lams are cool too.
There are tree trimmers that will work with you in saving straight sections of trees they fall.You just need the storage space and be able to move when they need you to. I’d kill to have portable mill. In the Eastern US. with all the hardwood forests, guys with mills really score by making deals with the owners of the tree and come out with treasures. Nice work !!!