STI.terrorism and the future

surfers and surfcamps. booze and drugs . sex slaves, yobbo redneck behaviour.litter. exploited labour.cultural and religous insensitivity.

bali bombings … what next

better or worse discuss!!!

Holidays in Hell: Bali's Ongoing Woes,8599,2062604,00.html

More surfers in the lineup equals less waves to go around.  There will always be contention over limited resources and good waves we all know are limited resources.  Some will argue it is worth fighting over.  


The global human population increased from 3 billion in 1960 to 6 billion in 2000.

In 40 short years, we accomplished what it took several million years to do before 1960.


I am so amazed that the world leaders have been too afraid to address this, so far only China sees the big picture. I’ve read that in 12 years or less the global population will grow to 12 billion.

Already we are in a compromize for food. water, energy, what kind of global free for all will be in effect to fight for the LIMITED resources.

One of the billionaires bought up a vast track to Texas marshlands, asked why, he said water will cost more than oil, soylent green ?

The oceans are being stripped of food stuffs, desertification of Africa, rising sea levels, I won’t be around, but our children ?

Waves will be the least of our concerns.

In 1946 85 %  of Americans were attached to the farms, today that figure is 15 %, better get back to sowing your wild oats and in many communities it is not permitted to garden your homestead, or have a clothesline

I won’t be around, but our children ?  Our children and their children, aren’t they part of the problem ? Didn’t we cause that problem ?

Fertility rates for some groups have already declined to the point that those population groups will decline in size as time progresses.  So not all cultures are equally to blame for the increase in heads.    Without getting into politics, there are even some governments that have started to take steps to reverse that trend because the number of children being born in  thos areas won’t otherwise be sufficient to fund their legacy entitlement programs for the older generations.  


Regardless, surfing will become more crowded and unless we start building our own surfbreaks those breaks will continue to decline in number.    

i cant see where over population is a problem. this is a very big planet. the problem is management and greed.

so the surf tourism industry promotes westerners to go to countries where people are pretty poor. they bring the uglines of the west and trample all over traditions . they act in decadent ways . and therefore are creating problems in these countries. surf tourism , pro surfing and the surf industry are all sh!t really

I don’t anymore, way too busy in the main line-ups, there are still places to surf that are pretty uncrowded but they can be a bit of a mission to get to and sometimes there is a bit of a protectionist vibe in the water at these places. These days I go to different surf destinations, maybe I will return to Bali sometime but maybe not and the chances are it will be more like a stopover than a proper long holiday.

  the Balinese people generally are really lovely people, from my experience most of the people you need to watch out for are the Javanese in Bali, Im not saying that all Javanese are bad because there are obviously lots of really nice Javanese people there too.


  I might not be explaining myself very well but I’m sure you can get the idea od what I’m trying to say.

I agree that SIC has done it share of damage.  But are you saying only westerners, humans from the west, are decadent?

No opportunistic, greedy humans elsewhere taking advantage people/the poor?

Last year I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about the growth in global population, which had been a big and frightening issue in the news during the seventies, from all I remember.

Then I looked up some reliable source of information about it, and went straight back to sleep again.

Numbers are still rising, but the growth is steadily declining since back then:


So I guess the human beings won’t have to evolve into Sardines after all…


Cheers - Detlef

hard to see the future. population growth has the potential to put severe strain the earth’s resources. (poverty decline may be equally important- if everyone curretly living in places like china/india/brazil lived my lifestyle, we’d all run out of water just flusing our toilets). optimists would say that the earths most precious and inexaustible resource is human ingenuity. both population growth and poverty decline will likely increase human ingenuity and help us overcome some of the problems population growth. 

also, some people are beginning to identify some real problems that may be associated with population decline:

others are less worried:

Personally, I think betting population growth to curb consumption/pollution/etc. is a pretty risky proposition, but since its probably inevitable (at least in underdeveloped nations), we’d probably do our best to figure out how to make it work. what we really need to do is figure out how to make widespread sustainable consumption economically viable in developed populations, or we’re in for a bumpy ride.



Even if population growth explosion is slowing down, think about who is having kids.  Well educated people are having fewer.  Uneducated, poor and unhealthy people are breeding like rabbits.  You can blame a “welfare mentality” or simple lack of available contraception in some poor countries.  But the facts say that a certain type of the human animal is being “out-bred” by the other.  That is the scary part.  What will the intelligence level of the new mass population be like?

And thank mega-corporation Monsanto for manipulating the world food supply.   They control 95% of the food on the planet now.  From seed to the table.  In some countries in S. America and in India they control the water supply too.  I don’t fear nuclear holocaust,  world pandemic, global economic collapse, or super volcano as much as I worry about the motives behind the manipulation of the world food supply.  THAT is global power.

Don’t worry Dick Cheney and his company Haliburton will keep the worlds population down by poisoning the underground aquifers with cancer causing fracking chemicals.

Did you know that he changed Americas clean water act when he was George Bushes puppeteer.

Dick Cheney is the most corrupt human on this planet.

The process of democracy has been hijacked by big greedy corporations, who do not care about people or the planet.

Democracy is dead.

When the system says clean water does not matter.

It is time to design a new system.

This doco about the Coal Seam Gas industry sums up what is wrong with the system.





Agenda 21.

To see where overpopulation is a problem , visit India /Pakistan or Bangladesh…yes , management is a problem , because these out of control populaters continue to export their problem ,and we are expected to manage it…

There’s an old saying…" never hold your hand out to a drowning man  , because you will drown with him"…throw him a rope or hold out a stick he can grab…