Can anyone point me in the right direction? I’m looking for the sticky adhesive for my electric sander/power pad in the SB/Goleta area. Can’t find it at HD or Ace. Is there something i can us in it’s place? I tried rubber cement but no luck.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I’m looking for the sticky adhesive for my electric sander/power pad in the SB/Goleta area. Can’t find it at HD or Ace. Is there something i can us in it’s place? I tried rubber cement but no luck.
Its called feathering adhesive. It is a 3M product and most large tool stores carry it. If you can’t find it PM your address and we will send you a tube.
Thanks Troy
So i’ve been to 2 home depots, an ACE hardware and OSH…none have feathering disc adhesive.
Any other suggestions where i can get this in the immediate SB/Goleta area?
Thanks…and Troy, i just might have to take you up on your offer.
u can use 3m super 77 adhesive spray will work just fine and they sell it at home depot osh etc it is a spray can . working on a supply annex in sb be will keep you posted
Right on Scott, i definitely thought about that but wondered if peeling back off would be an issue…i guess if i work fast it should be ok.
and i’d love to hear more about this supply annex in SB when you know more.
what’s up Bizgravy.
i was in your situation a couple weeks ago.
i had ordered some of the “tacki” but it wasn’t going to make it in time.
i found this stuff
item #V38-5782 at a local tool rental place. they didn’t have it at hardware stores.
i finally got my “tacki” and they both work
the same… good luck
3M 77, final answer.
So are you saying even if i could find the tacki stuff or feathering adhesive, you’d recommend the Super 77 as my primary choice anyways?..cuz i always have that…one less thing to buy.
Auto body and paint supply stores have Feathering disc adhesive; common house paint supply stores might have it.
I’ll second what Bill says. Works like a champ. You’ll leave sandpaper backing on the disk when you change sheets, but that will happen with any disk adhesive that holds the paper on (there are some that don’t!).
From novasurfer’s thread:
I first used 3M 77 in 1969. I’m still using it, not because I’m stuck in the past, but because it works really well. I’ts my ‘‘go to stuff’’, if the adhesive on the disc is old, or dried out. If I’m cutting my own discs, I spray a light coat on the paper, and a light coat on the pad, wait a few minutes and apply. Instant bond.
I have no doubts about the super 77 spray, i use it all the time for various applications. But leaving part of the sandpaper backing on the pad is what i’m trying to avoid. Seemed like when you took off your sandpaper after each use with the sticki stuff, it wouldn’t leave paper behind.
Bill…what’s your experience? Are you usually able to take the whole piece off again with out leaving paper behind?
Maybe i’ll hit up an auto parts place and see if they have any of the 3M product.
Thanks again for the feedback.
I know I have a brand new tube of the tacki stuff…I am not sure where it is. If you are interested, PM me and I can dig it out of my storage locker this weekend at the latest.
3M’s “disc adhesive” if clear, will hold your sandpaper’s backing on the pad when you try to remove the sandpaper. The milky yellow stuff doesn’t hold it as bad, but it also releases the sandpaper at high rpm’s which allows you the exquisite pleasure of smearing adhesive residue gunk on your new board’s glass job.
i’m using “DURO” (made by the loctite people) all purpose spray adhesive on a powerpad on a makita 2 speed sander.
if i spray both the pad and the sand paper/disc, i have problems with the paper wanting to stick to the pad. if i just spray the pad, it usually peels right off no problem.
so i spray the pad, put on a sheet of paper, cut it to the pad, use it, remove, go to a finer grit, etc…no problem. takes about a minute for the spray to tack up enough to keep the paper on. use a 5 lb weight disc to hold the paper on while it’s tacking up.
backyard stuff.
Here’s how I deal with too strong an adhesive bond. When I’m ready to change discs, I put the pad flat on a concrete floor, and turn on the sander for about 20, or 30 sec’s. The heat generated softens the adhesive, and allows easy clean removal of the disc.
hey andy…sorry for not replying sooner on the email, the Ace on gutierrez st. by my shop has the feathering adhesive stuff, its next to the sandpaper rack
Ryan, ur epic
I’ve got something to show you (of course i’ll post for all to see) soon…since you called me out for not bringing anything down to FH a couple months ago.
Thanks again all for the advice.
…it turns out Ace IS the place
One other option I use is 3M’s spraymount or photomount available at art or camrea stores (Samy’s in SB might have it). The spray is more removable than the photo. Bill’s method does help to remove.