Wet or dry with #500 or #600 I get swirling sanding marks on the flats. Going to #800 I get the same marks only smaller. What should I do? Hand sand vertically? Polishing doesn’t take them out.
I use a DA for the finer grits. Seems to work well for me.
(Air drive double action sander)
try using a vibrator/finish sander before polishing
Howzit 220, A few years ago there was a post about cutting your sandpaper like an octagon so it has wings that eliminate the swirl cuts. I’ve used this and it works really good.Aloha,Kokua
I used to do polishing for Channin in SanDiego in 70’s and I’d get that sometimes and it was generally teeny tiny hard dust particle between my sandpaper and the board. Make sure all pre-polish sanding and the polishing is done in “sterile” conditions i.e. no dust/dirt bigger than a particle of rubbing compound within 8 city blocks of where you are working. Use tons of water when you wet sand
Don’t get mad at me…
It’s a surfboard , go ride it.
The deck gets waxed and a stomp pad so you will not see the scratches.
Your overhead shop lights show all the flaws , carry the board outside and the problems all disappear.
I spend way too much time making my gloss jobs perfect only to go out the next day and surf without a leash
Go figure…
we have been doing a lot of darker coloured boards lately and we have had trouble getting the buff swirls out to get the final deep glaze. any suggestions?
As has been suggested, use a VERY WET condition for the sanding, and the polishing. Very clean conditions are also a must. It’s messy, but the final result will be superior. There is also a technique called “square sanding”, where a full sheet of sanding paper is mounted on a full sheet sized backing plate that has been attached to a round backing plate for sanders. Like the octagon method mentioned, it leaves no swirls. Square sanding has the additional benefit of trueing the surface. For the darker boards, polishing speed should be slower. Never let the surface begin to dry. Some polishers finish with a light spray of Pledge. (very shiny finish)
thank bill,
can you give me a bit more info on “Pledge”?
Pledge is a household spray furniture wax, here is the USA. Final buff with a sheepskin bonnet. Terrycloth wipe off.
after compound use a foam pad with 3m finnese . A foam pad wil give high gloss without swirls.