Stinger Dimensions

I cut out my template for a 5’11 X 21 X 16 X 16 fish and decided after looking at the planshape and before cutting out the butt crack, that I would change it to a stinger with a shallow swallow tail and thruster setup. The WP is 3" forward.

A couple of questions:

Is that type of planshape suitable for a stinger ?

How far from the tail should the step be ?

What rails would work ? Tucked under fishy or SHortboard style

any observations welcome,

“Buttons” certainly rode some WIDE , short ones.

Maybe make a template, and draw it on the board, and see if you like how it looks. If it looks “too wide” for your tastes , move the template around a bit to make it narrower …maybe 15"nose ? 20" wide? …whatever…

there is a ‘stinger’ thread or two floating around here ["step stingers and curved channels " or something …by good ol’ "speedneedle’']

which “remoinds me, mmmite” …update , please , on yours ?


here’s my p.o.s. one from 1999 or thereabouts […too narrow / straight in the tail , as it was a strip and reshape double flyer singley job !]

? " x 5’11" x 19" x ? " x 2 1/2 " [can’t find my records of this one , sorry !]

here’s that “stingers” thread for you, Burnsie …;search_string=stingers;#213452