Another thread about Hitachi Planers. In the UK, the modified Clark Planer sells for approximately £400 plus an additional £400 for the shapers barrel.
In Australia, I can pick up a Stock Hitachi with the Shapers Barrel for £400 (including shipping and is 240 volts) but this is not modified like the Clark.
Whats peoples opinions on this on which is the better version of the 2? Stock with barrel or Clark with blades?
That’s easy; Clark mods are much more essential than a grit drum. I’m assuming you’re talking about the full pro mods (better bearings, on the fly adjustment, handle re-position, and cutaway belt drive housing).
I shaped at least 5000 boards with the first version Clark Hitachi, but the handle re-position on the later ones make that first version feel awkward.
I have 2 with barrels and 1 with blades, all Clark’s. I agree with Mike, the Clark mod with blades would trump barrel w/o mod. I love the barrels but they tend to float up on stringers. I know Mike, stringers are ancient history.
If you decide on the grit barrel; make sure they still have them in stock. I heard thru the grapevine that they were out of stock. As others have said the Modified Hitachi will be of greater benefit.
Thanks McDing, I’m trying to source a modified Hitachi as you and others suggested so hopefully I’ll find one, and one not being sold for extortionate amounts of cash.