Stoked POS SUP How to (or not)

I sanded the spacke after its application and got a pretty decent surface. I found the spackling process very fun. In this pic, my board is final shaped and ready for glass (as final and ready as it will ever be anyway):

Next I laid out three layers of 6 oz volan and cut incrementally increasing laps.

Then mixed up a monster batch of RR (48oz of total material + addy F) and wet out the bottom with a squeegee–the hard plastic yellow one. Basically, I just herded it around and let it settle. I used this batch to wet the flats only and came back with a second batch for the laps. I would like to take this opportunity to say that using cinderblock for glassing stands is paramount to self inflicting paper cuts on ones tongue. My back is permanently screwed up. Why did you do this you ask? Well, John was out back in the shed using my ‘all purpose racks’ to shape and apply the creeping evil. Here’s the bottom wet out:

I flipped the dry laps up onto the flats and shot a smaller batch (about 24 oz total) and did the laps with this. That turned out to be a bit wasteful. I could’ve gotten away with less. In retrospect, I think I should’ve done one lap/batch at a time to minimize usage. I had plently of time.

After a surf check and a skate session and some other assorted weekend crap, I flipped it (about three hrs). Behold my gnarly freelap:

Time to lay 4 layers of 6 oz and trim. Remember kids, when working with fiberglass–safety first:

Here’s my top cloth all cut and ready to rock:

Oh, well, maybe not quite ready… I did trim that a bit more.

I used about the same amount of resin for the top and went about it in basically the same way. I must say that mixing up that large an amount of RR feels extremely extravagant. I’ll have the surf and turf, thankyou. I got really ghetto on the laps. I started to run out of material so I started scooping up drip puddles of the tarp with my gloved hand and rubbing them on the lap. This is why my lam has sand, bugs, and grass in it. If this board is discovered by archaeologists in the distant future, they will be able to clone a variety of present day flora and fauna using the genetic material contained therein.

John and I then went to bomb the parking deck downtown on our longboards. When I retured the lam was still tacky. HOWEVER: there was a wicked bubble in the front. THe sun came out that afternoon and we experienced an unanticipate temp increase. THe sealed up and unvented board went ballistic. Luckily, the lam was soft enough for me to press it back down. Whew. I’m glad it was flat and I didn’t go for a 4 hour surf (how often do you hear that?) The lam was still tacky and so I applied the cheater coat using 16 oz of resin and a throwaway brush:

Now, time to let it set up:

I also made a cut in the cloth where my fin box will be with a dremel disc to release any pressure build up until I install the vent. Does any one have tips on vent installation. I have a few of the chinook 5/8’’ sailboard vents from FGS.

In case anyone is wondering, a board of this size with 1lb EPS MUST have a vent. It was a relatively cool day and it still wanted to explode!

Keep going. I laughed so hard I needed to wipe the tea of the monitor.

Looking less like a POS with each pic too.


Here’s me, quite stoked.

Carve Nalu ladies and gentlemen:

John, living the dream.

Ah yes… here’s the board I made for my neighbor in exchange for his protection:

6’4’’ x 21’’ x 2 1/8, ply leash loop, RR epoxy, 2x6 deck, 1 x6 bottom, clark 6’8’'P, ply thruster fins based on K fin template but thicker. Sea foam green tint on bottom, cut lap came out so nice I didn’t even pinline. glossed with UPOL clear #1.

Here’s the bottom:

I wanted to keep it soooo bad. Alas, it is better to give than to receive (especially if it is EPS dust).

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll finish it up sometime this week and show the rest of the adventure.

theboys, you’re cracking me up with this thread. :slight_smile:

Your writing style makes me laugh out loud. I hope you keep building boards, even ones you could buy, so you can keep telling us how its going.

Did you see that other thread about SUPing ankle-barrels in jeans & flannel?

If POS boards, fully-clothed surfing, and Carve Nalu’s aloha are what comes out of Stand-up paddle surfing, than (no matter what the crowd implications) I think this is a sport I will enjoy :slight_smile:


Nice work! And glad you used an excerpt from my sig :smiley: hehe!

Good stuff, keep us posted.

Can I just say you guys are AWESOME!!! Keep it up and remember to try and have fun… Hehe!!

Thanks for the encouragement guys! Now I’m really stoked. John and I have been looking at this as a way to maximize water time and develop our water skills. I’ve still got along way to go with these monsters. Hopefully, I can get some more done tonight.

doug, you don’t know what your missing ‘antiquing’ your board with some creeping evil–i was hoping you’d catch that:) I kept calling it that, and John didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.

los boyos

(I have been advised that los boyos, or its phoenetic equivalent, is slang for ‘the turds’ in spanish-- I will, nonetheless, retain the moniker, as it suits me.)

boys: you just pretty much rock. Hope to get my pic’s up in the next day or so.

Hope yours goes like you dream it will.

All the best to ya.

"(I have been advised that los boyos, or its phoenetic equivalent, is slang for ‘the turds’ in spanish-- I will, nonetheless, retain the moniker, as it suits me.) "

“piece of s*** boards by the turds” . That’s sure got a dirty ring to it. If you start shaping 12’ ‘nugget’ boards , that would really be the chocolate icing on the cake.

cecil b. de smelly one

…I want to see the 3’ tall cecil , replete with gas mask cone head piece , maybe riding tandem with the jimbo stunt double ‘lazymodo’ on a 12’ “pos standup paddle board” …or maybe we could dust the cobwebs off ['Aquafiend’s ''LEVIATHON" ?? …just think , if he proned it , Ambrose style , you could fit three little “Stubsys” end to end on the board . Now wouldn’t that be someting to see , eh ?]

…maybe this can be in the next winter olympics , hopefully ??


Due in large part to threats tendered by chipfish on private messenger, I will attempt to accelerate my construction schedule and post more pics expeditiously.

I think it is only fair to state that I have threatened him back, and I believe he respects me for it.

This is exactly the reason I was apprehensive about dabbling in the realm of SUP.

I am also going to begin construction of my paddle tonight. I think I’ll incorporate that process into this thread as well.

Surf here is firing! John ‘the Gull’ Phillips putting on a lazymo SUP clinic at Wrongsville Beach:


hahaha, thats a great board man, i hope to see you in the lineup with it

catch any of the surf today? it was much needed for me

i got kicked out of the downtown parking deck for bombing it, i want to hit up 3rd street at like 4 in the morning when there is no traffic

" Due in large part to threats tendered by chipfish on private messenger"

“post fotos or the fbi squirrels are coming”

he countered with “airborne ebola virus drop monkeys”

…and neither of us use drugs ??


…keep up the good work , ‘the turd’ boys ! …

yeah, I got ‘over there’ about 2:30 and surfed until it was pitch black. all that dredge crap made the ride back in the dark a bit tricky. It was super fun, though. I needed that bad too.

I suspect that I would be impossible to miss in a lineup with the POS. However, I think I’ll probably stay pretty remote with it. I think it satisfies the weight threshhold for a deadly weapon.

Which deck, the old or the new?

i wish i had gone “over there” but I did not have the time, caught it pretty fun at the south end though. I was thrown out of the new parking deck.


…I want to see the 3’ tall cecil , replete with gas mask cone head piece , maybe riding tandem with the jimbo stunt double ‘lazymodo’ on a 12’ “pos standup paddle board” …or maybe we could dust the cobwebs off ['Aquafiend’s ''LEVIATHON" ?? …just think , if he proned it , Ambrose style , you could fit three little “Stubsys” end to end on the board . Now wouldn’t that be someting to see , eh ?]

…maybe this can be in the next winter olympics , hopefully ??


Gary’s ‘LEVIATHON’ …

It needs to be seen again , I reckon [look when he posted this …

for those who arrived since , here’s the link , to it …;search_string=leviathon;#219478

Gary / “Aquafiend” , you out there mate ?

I would LOVE to hear how this went ?

cheers !
