Stolen surfboard ideas from the Kibitizing Chair

Sounds like the template ended up somewhere in East County...I was checking out Brad's new surfer crash pad..... 

...... when I got back to Keith's place all my beer was gone.....I left it next to the chair....Where Resinhead was sitting.....

and the template was gone too.......good thing I left all my Epoxy resin at the lab........

Nice board Resinhead. More photos please................

I would never leave my REAL templates where they might be stolen or damaged by, say, rampaging hordes of seals… swing on by and make a copy for the low tech lab! (and yes its from the triple stringer with red glue lines).  Mr. Head got a mock template, ha ha.

Ray leaveum on the floor, they get warm…there’s still 2 of your beers left… on ice where they belong… along with plenty more!  .