Ha! I learned a new expression. Well that's "pucka gen" from Ray and John as well.
…hello John, closer inspection on the stringer and you notice the differences
Hey Mc Ding, with 2 coats you cannot obtain full deep plain colors; also, depends on the color choices.
With pastels is easier due to the White %.
These 2 show pastel colors, and 2 finishes: gloss coat and speed finish
Gee! guess I've been doing it wrong all these years. You're either watering down your paint too much or attempting to re-coat too soon. Applied properly two coats usually does it. But , I do what I need to do to achieve a nice even coat. The "white" used to obtain the pastel is what makes it cover. The board in your pictures looks good. Two or three no matter. Do what is necessary to make it look good.
…yes, but you cannot obtain non pastel colors with only 2 coats, like deep Red, Violet, Purple, Orange, etc.
I see periodically boards painted that aare not “rich” in “colorfulness”, you can see the whitness of the foam with the colors; that s not a good job, and that s done by people in all these years.
Most of the crappy color work of the 80s, with those Greens and fluos did not have the intensity demanded, in most cases
Those checkered Blacks were more dark Greys, etc
All faded now.
Reverb---- You are right! Deep base colors will require multiple coats. Deep base paints have less filler so that more color can be added to the Acrylic Resin base. Therefore the paint is more transparent, requiring more coats. Pastels on the other hand have more fillers, white base etc and therefore have excellent hide. Which means fewer coats. On a pastel I can usually put one coat on (which will be spotty, light and dark), wait for that coat to tack or dry completly and then put down a second coat that evens everything up. If I'm having a bad day and or didn't do a good spray job I will keep adding coats until I am satisfied. I try to stay away from too much paint build up though as it increases the possibilty of delam.
Where are you surfing John? That's what I imagine would be classic Waimea type board.
Also, (and this is a kinda lame point, but oh well) it looks like your board is floating in mid air.
Thanks for the advice.
Thanks. It's a 12'6" I made for a friend who has taken up bellyboarding and doesn't ride it anymore. It's a new generation 'lighter than air' model. HAHA
I left out most of the details on spackling/painting. The posts on this thread covers that and the video of the spackling guy at Stretch factory basically says it all in regards to the sealing process.
PS - nice boards Reverb.
So, watered down interior matt emulsion (eg. Dulux) seems to be a good option - thanks McDing.
Anyone else with experience of this? Any problems with lamination bond and any ideas on how to mitigate?
Cheers all
i asked him about this last week and he said just add white to green. they use nova. if you call dave at the shop and ask him nicely, there is a good chance he will explain it to you in detail.
I was hoping you’d respond to this Tommy.
White added to green. Uh huh. Need I say more?
yeah - you nailed it! i saw the OP’s ? and it got me to wondering so i asked stretch during one of my weekly visits.
Stretch's boards always look good; from shape to finish. He's got a good crew and has the process down to a science.
…man, yet this thread is alive?
Is just like every board painted out there.
paint and spray with an spray gun and that s all…
and like Mcding say is White then you put the other color not the given color and then White
Where exactly the difficult to understand a simple step?
Shape design and glass is far more complicated
Well. I guess people keep reading, learning and posting. Relax. Nothing on you.
So feel free to keep adding details peeps!!
Yeah, Relax. No bold colors, all pastel.
By the way; If you paint a blank as described above, lam and hotcoat, sand and then apply the water-based speed finish described in the adjacent thread; You'd have a finished board, painted, lammed, sanded and finished just like a Stretch. Would it be as good as a Stretch? Most likly not.
........loud and proud is best....pastels suck!....ha ha.....
how about some fades and shades and Flames....gosh ...another boring slightly green spray job.....don't forget to smile for the camera......and maybe you and your buddies might be able to do the whole thing as a Resin Tint.....I bet the guy that sprays those 1/2 green surfboards dreams for more colors......boring light green spray jobs....all day long? Great shapes....................
Hey Mc Ding....hope all is well....we're going camping sometime this spring....you gotta come down south some time...around mid May...maybe......look me up....Ray
EPS Spackled, Sanded & painted as I discribed earlier in this thread. Epoxy Glass job, sanded and wiped on finish.
Well dog my cats, McDing is posting pics! Good on yer, mate. I'm guessing your kids finally got you lined out.