Stringer planing

They DO work, I can tell you. The one I bought recently is the “C”.

Aloha Balsa:

Do you know if this company will ship those planers to the States? Because I don’t read French I was not able to determine this from their website. I sure would like to get one of those little planers to add to my collection, though!



Hey Mudybech

They look great, I was looking around the other day at different tools sites and came across those on a site from the UK called touchstone tonewoods; but then Rkids posted that he makes something very similar so I’m going to give that a go rather than buy one I think, he’s kindly offered to share the drawings he uses for them so I’m in.

Chipper, come home!

Hi Robin, if you refer to the “Langevin/Forest” company, they are a canadian company based in Montreal so I’m sure they would ship to the states. There are other french or english sites that carry the same planes and they probably would ship too. In the worst case, if you can tell me what exact model(s) you would like to purchase, I may very well buy them and send them to you, no problem.

Aloha Balsa:

Mahalo for the information. I was able to track down an English website for them, although it is not up and running, but there is an 800 number so I’ll try giving them a call. Appreciate your kind offer and thanks for the info.


Here’s another site for all you tools porn addicts:

Aloha Balsa:

You are going to bankrupt me if you keep turning us on to all of these cool tool sites. Now I have a few more tools to add to my wish list!

Mahalo for the info!


I sure wouldn’t want to see you bankrupt, Robin… Look, here’s what we are going to do: I stop posting those tools and you make me one of your fine guns…

Aloha Balsa:

That might be a cheaper solution in the long run!

Although I might be inclined to say why don’t you send me one of each of those lovely tools in exchange for a gun from Hawaii!


Is that a deal?

Hi Woody, I never really got on with a Compass plane!

If anyone is interested I have the drawings for the wooden bollow plane in Word and PDF. Sadly both seem too big to post here but if you want a copy pm me and I’ll fire them off

Nice one Richard,

the plans are superb. Looking forward to making this at the weekend.


Chipper, come home!