I am about to embark on my first board. As it is my first.
I’ve got my foam block and I’ve just done up a few planeshape templates as well as rocker templates
that I’m very happy with.
If I just cut out a profile shape it up and epoxy glass it, aside from my shaping skills (or lack of) what will it
turn out like. What I’m trying to say is what are the pros and cons of building a stringerless EPS board?
How does it compare to a standard stringered pu/pe board?
OR should I just chuck in the KEEP IT SIMPLE idea and put in a bit more effort and go for the Balsa Rails approach.
I keep on coming across quotes like this from Bert.
"a true perimeter stringer ,all the way round your whole board…
even if you dont do a wood skin top and bottom …the performance key is still in the wooden rails.
no matter what i made , whether full p/u cores and p/e glass jobs , eps/xps combos or eps/pvc combos or eps/p/u combos ,the one thing that livened them all up was wooden rails …
Which gets me excited about giving it a go but then I get scared of by quotes like this.
"theres a few construction aspects that arent apparent…
in that the balsa has to be treated a special way so you get good resin penetration and an unbreakable bond between glass resin and wood …that aspect is the key to the strength of these boards…
not doing that will result in mixed results , depending on your balsa quality…you could end up with a disaster…"
Bottom line is that I don’t have the cash to make a “disaster”. If I can get away with making a stringerless board
that is comparable at least to a standard pu/pe then I probably should start with that.
Or is it worth the effort to go the balsa rails way?
any thought s would be great.
thanks, JD