Has anyone tried putting together a stringerless longboard? Just wondering what a good glassing schedule for such a beast might be.
What kind of foam? How floppy do you want it? I won’t pretend to have the answers…but I have plenty of questions.
Snapa-lap-ding-dong. How many pieces do you want that longboard in sir? I tried an epoxy / eps stringerless 9’2" lasted 6 surf. The glassing was 6/6 top, 6 bottom. board was 2 5/8 thick. So I’d do at least a 6/6/4 top and 6/4 bottom. Why no stringer…all the cool guys are putting in stringers now a days? Put them on the rails with balsa, put them around the rails with carbon, put them around and through the rails with carbon and balsa.
But here’s the poop on the snapalapdingdong, It was way too floppy. It was floppy…floppy like a floppy jelopy. Floppy like a bucking bronco. Stand on the tail and watch the nose slap the water. Boing, boing, boing, boing…
“Snapa-lap-ding-dong. How many pieces do you want that longboard in sir? I tried an epoxy / eps stringerless 9’2” lasted 6 surf. The" glassing was 6/6 top, 6 bottom. board was 2 5/8 thick. So I’d do at least a 6/6/4 top and 6/4 bottom. Why no stringer…all the cool guys are putting in stringers now a days? Put them on the rails with balsa, put them around the rails with carbon, put them around and through the rails with carbon and balsa.
But here’s the poop on the snapalapdingdong, It was way too floppy. It was floppy…floppy like a floppy jelopy. Floppy like a bucking bronco. Stand on the tail and watch the nose slap the water. Boing, boing, boing, boing…
Now thats funny!!! Thanks resinhead for my afternoon chuckle>>>>>>>>Best one in a while fo shure
how thick as that?
sounds like under three
as was foam ?1#foam/ 2# 3#?
topper made a stand up fish no stringer…/
aint smapped I don’ tink
qweeks draw…
maybe a 3#foam stringer?
whadda concept?
havn’t broken a board since '69
Sounds like the board needed some Viagra.
I’m doing 6+6 top and 6 bottom with 1/4" PVC stringer, and sometimes they feel a bit floppy. I could not imagine no stringer with the same glass job.
How thick was your LB? I’m making one that is thin, thin, thin (at least for me) out of 2 lb EPS. Thickest point, pre-shape, is 2 - 5/8" with a very thin tail, so thin that I don’t think I can install a fin box, may have to glass the fins on. I put in a 1/4" bamboo stringer from Greenlight. Tail area is very flexy now, it will be interesting to see how flexy it is after glassing. Planning on a 6-4-4 deck and double 4 bottom with a patch over the back third.
2 3/4" thick. I have another one in the same thickness with 1/8" PVC perimeter stringers that is stiffer and feels better.
I thought about giving it a whirl just for old times sake. Even though I’ve never done one before. Thought it might make me more attractive to woman, capable of doing six foot airs like that coil board etc, etc, etc. Sounds like my plans for global domination of the surfboard industry have failed again.
I only ride LBs in small surf, so I like them pretty stiff. I had a 9’2" that I just broke… it was a little too flexy than what I would consider ideal. It had a fiberglass stringer.
I don’t want another one of those. Sticking with wood.
I had a 9’5" stringerless longboard that was shaped by Paul Gross in '02 or '03. It was about 3.5" thick and Volan glassed. It was not floppy. I didn’t even really feel the flex that much. It felt pretty “normal”. Proneman has it now.
I know Spence makes stringerless boards out of heavy foam. Flo has an 8’ stringerless hull shaped by Spence and he loves the flex.
Go for it but maybe use the heavier foam.
The guys at Atuacores have done several stringerless longboards in EPS Epoxy and the clients have been pretty happy with the results, I believe. You definitely want to go with the denser foam (17kg minimum) unless you’re into the super-flex expiraments. I’ve done some darned thin stringers (1mm, 2mm) but haven’t yet gone stringerless on anything over the mid seven foot range.
JM, thanks for posting that. I think I’ll try that on my new one.
Hi Jim,
I really like the 9-5 stringerless…been riding it at Malibu and Rincon when in town! I, as you, can’t really feel the flex…just know it goes and is fun. Oliver Parker rode it that other day at Rincon and was pretty stoked. Just foundout Paul is back making the High Performance Surf Mats (4 th Gear Flyers) that he was making in the early 80’s.
Rogelio(we gotta hook up for soft racks)
I did this board stringerless
but I veneered the deck and bottom to sandwich the foam and stiffen it up
I did this board stringerless
but I veneered the deck and bottom to sandwich the foam and stiffen it up
Looks nice! Outline looks Kym Thompson-ish…
I like
You should call it the “snapper” !!!
Nice wood. Looks like an Arbor snowboard (and that’s a good thing).