Stingerless is really starting to intrigue me. Not to mention it’s a hell of a lot cheaper to make your own blanks. I’m not talking about compsands I’m talking about just plain stringerless. I’ve just started shaping a stringerless mini mal and so far it’s been pretty easy. Easier without the wood I feel. Also has anyone tried gluing two halves of styrene together (no stringer) and then hotwire cut? Or is this asking for a fire/mess etc.
Not sure what you mean about gluing the two pieces of styrene together then hotwiring. I assume you have a narrow block? For me, it’s the other way around. Hotwire the blank, cut it in two, then glue it back up. The only reason I’ve done this was to give myself a center line for shaping and fin placement. You could pop a line with a chalk string, but it eventually shapes away, then you have to pop another line which may or may not be where the original line was. The glue line remains unchanged no matter how much you shape out of the blank.
I was thinking of gluing and hotwiring, but I think this approach may be a little backward.