stubbie is now a single fin

No concave anywhere.  Rounded belly in the nose, flat through the middle (which appeared to your eye as concave) but with tapered or pinched rails, which equates to belly, since it creates what is essentially a convex bottom, to V in the tail. I looked at a lot of pics of stubby hull type boards, and a lot of them are running a deep single fin placed pretty far forward.  So I wanted to give that option a go.  In addition, there are numerous things I can try with all the fin plugs I have, haha.  The board is meant to be surfed in down the line point break surf in so cal.

BTW, here is a pic Bruce Fowler just posted on Facebook, of a board he shaped.


Huck how did it go as a single fin? I really like that shape, pretty much the same thing I made a while back. 7-0, belly in the nose, to flat but with a double concave and a good amount of dished out vee through the tail. Rails are pinched in the nose like you said.

Anyway I messed around with a twin setup, didn’t really click with it but when I threw a single box in there the thing really lit up, completely different board. After popping up and taking a little step forward the thing just takes off. It doesn’t have much rocker so that helps.