i was wondering with suncure can the temps of the air you are working in be lower? like 50 or 60 degrees?
i was wondering with suncure can the temps of the air you are working in > be lower? like 50 or 60 degrees? I wouldn’t go lower then that. I shape in the mountains when i’m at school and glass around 60 and sometime run into long jell time. You might try adding more MEK, but your still going to be glassing hot. That’s just what i’ve found glassing in cold weather and high Alt. Hope this helps
Suncure uses UV to cure, not heat. I think would cure on a cold day as long as you have a source of UV light.
I’ve used it below 50 degrees, like 45 degrees or so, but the resin itself is going to be very viscous and hard to work with. The UV catalytic effect is only dependant on the UV trigger you provide with daylight or artificial lights. I think it is great for cold or hot weather lam jobs, no more surprises. TS>>> i was wondering with suncure can the temps of the air you are working in > be lower? like 50 or 60 degrees?