I've search through the archives and cannot find.
I just got one board and would like to know more.It
is a Sunset.The logo is to the right of a brown centerline
and is yellow to red from L to R.It says Sunset Surfboards
but it doesnt say Encinitas or anything else.8’ and 22" at
the widest.Glassed on skeg.No plug for leash.2 1/2 " thick.
It’s white,or it was at one time,with a lighter patch foward.
It goes back at about a 45 d. angle and stops 2" short of the
rail.kind of like a"v",ending at the nose.It’s got a nice dish
up front and then the rail seems to go about 50-50 midway
to the tail which is round. There is no “shaped by” or any other
markings I could find.I kinda remember seeing these boards back
from the hanabuttah days but the 70’s are blurry now.Also ,
was the blank polyurathane with polyester resin? Any insight
would be gratly appreciated.